2. Thorin

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The dwarfs had gathered in the small hallway to great the last member of the company.

The rounded door slowly opened and revealed a tall handsome dwarf. His wavy black hair reached below his wide shoulders and a few gray strains were noticeable in the front.

Rebekah recognized the dwarf, it was Thorin Oakensheild the rightful ruler of Erebor. His name was well known in Rivendell, his name was mentioned in stories mothers told their children before going to bed. Stories about the strong and heroic dwarf prince who saved his people from the deadly fire breather Smaug.

"Gandalf" his deep voice spoke as he stepped inside the hobbit hole. "I thought you said this place was easy to find, I nearly lost my way twice, if it wasn't for the mark on the door I would have never found it"

Bilbo started complaining about the mark Gandalf had created on his newly painted door. Many of the dwarfs turned their attention to Bilbo's annoyance but Rebekah's eyes were captured by the black haired dwarf. His icy blue eyes and kind smile made her feel some type of way. She could not explain her feelings at this moment, the only thing she knew for certain was that she had a hard time taking her eyes off of him.

Thorin looked around the crowded hallway with a smile on his face as he greeted his fellow companions. Suddenly his smile faded when he noticed Rebekah leaning against the doorframe to the living room.

"Who's this?" He asked and glanced up at Gandalf who still was bickering with Bilbo.

"Ah yes, Thorin this is Rebekah" He said as he walked over and positioned himself next to her. " I have personally asked her here because she is a excellent fighter and will be a valuable asset to the company"

Thorin looked at her and furrowed his brows and slowly started walking closer to her. His eyes carefully studied her from head to toe with suspicions eyes. He walked closer and closer but Rebekah did not move an inch, she stood her ground as the intimidating price came closer, almost too close for comfort. Now he was so close that she could feel his warm breath brush against her face as he exhaled.

His eyes started deep into her soul and it made her feel intimidated, but she did not let it show. She just started coldly back at him.

"I don't pertinently like women fighting a mans battle" he spoke in a low voice.

Rebekah scoffed and rolled her eyes by his poor statement.

"I am not a defenseless girl who likes playing instruments and picking flowers" She answered firmly.
"I am a fighter. Trust me I know what I'm doing"

The dwarfs around them lightly gasped and started whispering amongst themselves. Their king was not accustom to a stranger talking back at him like that, especially not a woman. No one talked back to a king, it did not matter what had been said.

Thorin scoffed lightly and an almost unnoticeable smirk formed on his face as he looked into her forest green eyes.

"We shall see" he whispered before he made his way into the dining room. Rebekah's eyes followed the arrogant dwarf as he disappeared behind the wall.


Rebekah leaned her shoulder against the rounded doorframe and listened as the dwarfs discussed a meeting Thorin hade have earlier that day. She wasn't paying too much attention because she knew it did not concern her so she allowed her curious mind to take over and she started to think of something she could occupy herself with in the meantime.

She quietly excused herself and made her way to the hall, she looked back at the dining room to see if someone had noticed her absence but to her relief nobody had.

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