19. Rebekah and Thorin

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Dain and his dwarf army had retreated back to Erebor in a last attempt to flee but there was no way of escaping the large orc army. They were trapped between the thick walls of their kingdom and the sharp blades of their enemy. It was only a matter of time before they all would fade.

Rebekah and the Rivendell army had just arrived at the battle field, they stopped briefly on top of the hill and she gasped at the horror lurking down below. Hundreds of dead dwarfs and elves were scattered around the bloodstained grass. Their bodies crushed by the hundreds of orcs running on top of them. It was a horrible sight.

"Are you sure about this?" Lord Elrond questioned. "The orc army is far larger than we expected.. by us going down there is almost a guaranteed death"

Rebekah glanced up at him and met his eyes as she whispered "To fighting for a man I love is a good way to die"

Lord Elrond gently nodded and glanced over at the solder to his right. "Blow the horn"

The soldier blew the horn of Rivendell, announcing their arrival. The loud sound quickly got the attention of the battle below and a large swarm of orcs started gathering and formed a large line at the end of the hill with their sharp and bloody weapons held high.

Thorin turned his attention from the large orc army and focused on the large elven army positioned on top of the hill, his eyes widened when he realized it was Lord Elrond. He was confused and wondered why he'd come to fight for him after what he did.

But then he saw the reason, in the front line of the large army. In gasped sharply and quickly grabbed on to the large stone wall due to his jelly like legs.

"It..it can't be" he whispered in disbelief.

He closed his eyes and hoped his eyes wasn't playing a dirty trick on him but when he opened them again she was still there. More beautiful than ever before.

"Hyah!" Rebekah yelled and whipped the reins and her pony started galloping, Lord Elrond and the rest of the elven army quickly followed. Rebekah was riding in the front line with lord Elrond proudly by her side, both of them ready to fight for Thorin, even to their deaths.

"It can't be..." Thorin whispered almost speechless and started breathing heavily not believing what he was seeing.

He saw Rebekah, the woman he thought he'd lost, the woman who saved his life, the woman he loved was alive and leading an army to save his people, his kin. He closed his eyes and squeezed them tightly and opened again just to reassure him that it wasn't another hallucination.

"It's Rebekah! She's alive" Bofur suddenly yelled happier than ever and started laughing. The company started cheering and lifted their swords into the air.

The elven army had galloped half way down the steep hill when Rebekah glanced to her right. Her eyes flew like magnets and locked eyes with Thorin who was standing on top of the large stone balcony. In that moment everything around her turned into slow motion. Nothing else no longer mattered, it was just her and him. She noticed in the corner of her eye how the orc army came closer and closer. She gently nodded at Thorin and turned her head back to the feigning army in front and prepared for a brutal collision.

"To the king!" Rebekah yelled right before they collided with the orc army. The battle field filled with painful screams from the elves and battle cries from the orcs and a constant loud cling from the metal weapons hitting each other.

Thorin's eyes were glued on to Rebekah as she tried her best to gallop threw the thick sea of orcs. She swung her sword, killing many along the was but his heart dropped to his stomach when a large orc pieced its sword into Rebekah's pony and she fell to the ground. Her screamed in pain as it landed onto Rebekah's leg. She tried to wiggle her way out but the pony was heavy which made it difficult to free herself.

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