14. Rebekah's journey

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Two weeks after Azog's attack.

Rebekah was walking down a steep hill side as the sun shined high in the sky, her lower body was filled with bite marks and cuts from the white wargs sharp teeth. The last few days had been miserable, she was wounded, starving and all alone. Rebekah knew she was going to die if she couldn't find food and shelter so she decided to make her way back to Rivendell where she would be safe.

During these few weeks Rebekah only thought on one thing, Thorin. It pained her not knowing if the man she loved was alive or if he died of his injuries that horrible night. All she knew was that Azog the defiler had found himself a new enemy.

Rebekahs head was spinning and her tired legs were shaking. She walked over to the closest tree and leaves her back against it as she slowly mad her way to the ground to catch her breath.

Her wounded and exhausted body had not been able to hunt large game, she had only survived on a few small meals here and there. But her body was slowly shutting down.

Rebekah sat leaning against the tree and felt like all hope was lost, for a brief second the thought of giving up and to let herself die right there under that tree. Her thought were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a horn being blown in a distance.

.She got up and managed to climb up on a rock to get a better view from down the hill. She looked down and saw a large orc army marching on the fields. She focused her tired eyes on the orc banners and immediately she got shivers down her spine. The orcs came from Dol Guldur.

Her eyes traveled further down the long grass field to see where they were heading. Her heart dropped as she fell on her knees. The orcs were heading straight for Erebor.

A kick of adrenaline flowed threw Rebekah's body. She knew she had to do something to warn them of the dangerous and deadly threat. Her heart started racing and panic quickly spread threw out her body tiny body. Her feet found the ground and she started quietly making her way down the hill. The pain Rebekah had disappeared as her mind was focused on saving her friends.

The sun had just gone down when she finally reached Rivendell borders. She ran through the forest and followed the brick path until she came to the narrow stone bridge that led to the gates.

"Rebekah?" One of the guards said as Rebekah approached them.

"Where is Lord Elrond?" Rebekah asked and tried to catch her breath.

"He is in his chambers" the guard answered with a worried look on his face as he noticed her wounds and bloody clothes.

As soon as Rebekah knew where Lord Elrond was she ran past the two worried and confused guards. She climbed the steps and ran as fast as she could threw the corridor. She opened the door with out knocking and Lord Elrond quickly turned his head to the door. She leaned her tired and weak body against the door frame to try to catch her breath.

"Rebekah?" Lord Elrond asked with wide and worried eyes. He looked at Rebekah's dirty and bloody clothes and immediately stood up from his seat and walked towards her.

"What happened?" He asked as placed his hand on her lower back and escorted her to a nearby couch.

"The white pale orc, Azog. He's alive" Rebekah answered in her heavy breath and looked up at Lord Elrond. He sighed in chock and looked at the ground.

"Lord Elrond there is a army of orcs marching from Dol Guldur straight towards Erebor, I need to warn them, I need to warn my friends" Rebekah said with a stressed voice.

"That can't be possible, Dol Guldur is nothing but a ruin" Lord Elrond said and looked at Rebekah confused.

"I saw them. Kili , Bilbo and the rest of them all are in danger!" Rebekah yelled in frustration.

"It is not our fight Rebekah, the people of Rivendell can not help Thorin Oakensheild and his company of dwarfs"

Rebekah's body filled with anger and frustration as Lord Elrond spoke. She had to do something to convince him to help her to save her friends.

"But it is our fight Lord Elrond. If the orcs take Erebor everyone in middle earth is in danger" Rebekah yelled, Lord Elrond's eyes left the ground and found Rebekah's.

"Erebor is not just a mountain filled with gold and riches. It is a gateway from the north. The orcs dose not want treasure, they want to have control over Erebors location, if we don't stop them we all are going to die" Rebekah said desperately trying to convince Lord Elrond to ride his army to Erebor.

Lord Elrond looked at Rebekah and then walked closer to the window looking up the the sky.

"You're right, if we stay here we live just to die another day..." Lord Elrond said calmly. He turned back around and reached his hand out to Rebekah, she took his hand and he help her to stand up.

"I will ride with you, general" Lord Elrond said and placed both of his hands on Rebekah's shoulders. Rebekah sighed in relief and closed her eyes.


The following morning the troop of 3,000 elves were all armed for battle. Rebekah glanced over at the Rivendell banner hanging off of the long spears. A proud smile escaped her lips as her eyes turned to the elves.

"This is what we have trained for. Now is the time to show those orcs what the people of Rivendell can do" Rebekah yelled and all the elves started cheering lifting up their swords up in the air. Rebekah turned her horse around and they all started riding out of Rivendell.

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