16. Broken promise

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(Short chapter)

The next day.

The suns last light peeked threw the mountaintops as it was about to go down.

Thorin had walked out of Erebors gates, up the hill and stopped by the forest. He had been building and preparing a small grave to honor Rebekah's memory. He wanted closure, not only for himself but for Rebekah and all the people she loved and who loved her.

He picked a small bouquet of white and blue flowers and placed them in front of the gravestone he had carved.

"Here lies Rebekah daughter of Einar from Rivendell.
A heroic, selfless and honorable woman with a kind heart.
Middle Earth has lost a friend, daughter, worrier and its most beloved star.
Let your bright light shine upon us and hive us hope.
You will forever be missed.

He bent down on one knee and took out the piece of cloth and laid it in front of the gravestone.

"I am so sorry Rebekah, please forgive me" Thorin cried as tears was running down his heartbroken face.

He sat there for a while in silence mourning the loss of the woman he loved before he headed back to Erebor.

"Where have you been" Bofur asked as Thorin walked into the gates.

"It's none of your business what I have done" Thorin snapped and walked pass Bofur.

Thorin walked further down the hall when he was approached by Dwalin.

"Thorin, the survivors of Lake Town, they're streaming into Dale. There's hundreds of them"

"Call everyone to the gate" Thorin said with disgust and started walking back to the gate.

Thorin knew that the people of Lake Town wanted the gold he had promised them before they left. He felt anger and disgust of the thought of them even touching a single coin of his gold with their filthy hands.

He ordered the company to build a large wall of stone over the broken gate to protect the riches inside. Thorin did not want those dirty peasants coming anywhere near his gold.

The elves of Mirkwood had entered Dale with large army. Their king Thranduil was after a set of very precious white gems, he craved them to hold the memory of his late wife alive. He would stop at nothing to get what he came for.

The company tried to reason with Thorin to help the people of lake town and to prevent war between them, the elves and men of lake town.

They lad lost their homes, loved ones and they were left with noting after Smaug's visions attack. But Thorin refused, his sick and stubborn mind changed his judgement, all he cared about and valued was to keep his gold safe from their filthy hands.

Thorin refused to help Bard and his people. With his selfish and unworthy actions came devastating consequences, war was now upon them. Erebor and the company would fall at first day light.

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