5. Trolls

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The day quickly passed. Rebekah watched as the bright sun set behind the tree line and the moon rose high in the sky. Bombur and Bofur had prepared stew for everybody.

"He's been a long time" Bilbo said slightly concerned.

"Who?" Bofur asked and poured stew into two bowls.


"He's a wizard he dose as he chooses, here do us a favor. Give this to the lads" Bofur said and handed Bilbo the two bowls of stew.

Bilbo nodded and started walking to Kili and Fili who was watching over the ponies in the woods.

"Rebekah dinners ready!" Bofur yelled from a distance.

"I'm not hungry" she said quickly to herself. She was sitting on a rock further away from camp, she had been sitting on the very same spot all day to distance herself from the cruel dwarf . She had to be alone so she could take a deep breath and clear her mind.

She looked at the picture of her mother on her necklace, she gently rubbed her thumb up and down and looked at her mother's smile.

"Rebekah" a voice said.

She turned her head back and immediately let out a sigh when she saw who it was. It was Thorin. All day she had tried to hold her frustration and anger inside her but it all came back when her eyes landed on him.

"I am sorry for my words earlier, I did not mean to offend you" Thorin said and stood in front of her. She looked up at him and her eyes landed on his. He looked remorseful, and it genuinely looked like he regretted what he had said earlier.

"Your grudge against us is causing you to have poor judgment" Rebekah said and looked back down to her necklace.

"I do not have a grudge against you" he said and placed his hand under her chin to make her look back up at him. They looked at each other but Rebekah quickly slapped away his hand from her chin.

"Yes you do, you talk about the elves, Rivendell and my people like we were nothing!" Rebekah yelled angrily and stood up.

"What's happening?" Rebekah heard Bofur whisper.

"I don't know" Fili whispered back.

Thorin didn't answer he just stood there looking at Rebekah shocked. He put his hands slightly up signaling for her to calm down.

"Gandalf asked me here because he wanted me to help you on your quest to reclaim Erebor. But you refuse the help of my people because of the past, your pride will be your downfall"

"Rebekah please" Thorin whispered. His voice was trembling and Rebekah saw how sorry he was, the guilt and regret shined threw his eyes but Rebekah did not care. All he wanted was for her to forgive him but that was not something she was ready to do.

Rebekah lightly shook her head before storming off. Thorin's eyes followed her as she disappeared into the forest behind them. She walked down a muddy path before she stumble upon Fili, Kili and Bilbo hiding behind a fallen tree. They all had concerned looks on their faces, especially Bilbo who looked scared. She ran up and crouched down next to them.

"What's going on?" Rebekah whispered.

"Trolls" Kili answered with a disgusted voice.

"They are going to eat our ponies, we have to do something" Bilbo said with a stressed voice looking wide eyed at the trolls camp.

Both Fili and Kili turned their head up at each other with a smile before they turned their heads to Bilbo who was holding two wooden bowls in his hands.

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