"A Romantic Scene in an Unromantic Place"

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Fandom : Arcane
Ship : Vi/Caitlyn
Required words : blacksmith, tongue, woman, spark, musical, blind, Bible, barbeque, elbow, bundle

Though a war was beginning between Zaun and Piltover (the destruction on the Council building served as a spark to the bomb that was waiting to blow up), Caitlyn and Vi still found more secluded parts of the area to cross between the two. After all, while one was a topsider and one was a Zaunite, they still did almost everything together, so they each grew accustomed to the two factions.

Oil and water described their homes, not their relationship.

Vi was finally starting to realize that, so she decided to take Caitlyn into the undercity for a more romantic venture- They hadn't actually gone on a proper date yet, and that just wouldn't do.

Caitlyn's eyes stung from the drop in air quality as they entered the undercity, but she ignored it. It's not like she would go blind or anything and she was with the woman she loved anyone, so she didn't care.

"Where are you taking me?" the sheriff asked as Vi led her through a path she didn't recognize. Knowing how vast the activities of Zaun were, they really could've been going anywhere. Vi may have been taking her to a fish barbeque, the blacksmith's, a shitty musical- Hell, they could've been going to Bible study for all she knew.

The red haired girl playfully elbowed her in the side. "If I told you where I was taking you, you would not approve" she explained. Caitlyn didn't like the sound of that, and she also felt nervous when she began to vaguely recognize their surroundings from a previous investigation. She couldn't couldn't quite place it, but it was at the tip of her tongue. Where are we?

Then, she saw it. An old, shut down Shimmer factory that had closed when Silco died.

"You cannot be serious" she said to her girlfriend, appalled. "The place isn't a bundle of joy, I'll admit" Vi conceded with a nervous expression. "But I promise I got rid of the drugs... And the bodies"

"You are very lucky I love you, Violet"

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