You Get Pregnant

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10th Doctor:
You stumbled through Tardis trying to figure out what to say to The Doctor. Today he was taking you out to lunch in Paris. The Doctor came out of a room "ready to go?" He smiled, you shook your head yes in reply. "Allons-y!" He shouted and you both took off in the Tardis. Soon you landed in Paris on the Eiffel Tower he had lunch with wine, which you knew you could not have wine anymore. "Doctor can I tell you something...?" You ask a little hesitantly. "Of course (Y/N) you can tell me anything" he smiled a little. You handed him a little box and told him to open it, so he did. It had little baby clothes and a pregnancy test and a not that said 'your going to be a daddy' on it. He looked up at you. You bit your lip wondering to scared or frightened. The Doctor just smiled "were going to have a baby! This is fantastic, brilliant!" He picked you up and spun you around. "So your not mad?" You asked.
"Not at all" he replied

11th Doctor: You knew you were pregnant and The Doctor liked to read books, so you had an idea. You grabbed on of his favorite books he was reading and tore out the pages and made your own telling a story and how he and your were going to be parents and set it down right where he left it. You left the room and went into another and played games on your cellphone waiting for something spectacular to happen. About 30 minutes later you here your name called "(Y/N)!" The Doctor called searching around the Tardis for you.
"In here!" You called back with a smile using your tablet to cover it as you kept playing a game. "Are you pregnant?" He asked tapping on the book that once use to be the one he read. "Maybe" you bit your lip.
"Seriously!? I can't wait he or she will have their own sonic screwdriver and Fez and they will be brilliant! Very smart of course and so many things!" He keeps fumbling with his hands all excited. You shut him up by giving him a kiss.

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