He Proposes 10th Doctor

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You brought The Doctor to your family's reunion, your mother liked him but your father didn't quite like him all that much. As you walk into your aunts house everyone looks at you.
"Who is that (Y/N)?" Your aunt asked you.
"Oh yeah guys this is my boyfriend The Doctor" you smile as The Doctor smiles at you and then everyone
"Oi, 'ello" he laughs with a big smile that you always like to see.
After what seemed like hours at the family reunion you walked down to the creek that you would jump over and play by as a kid when you came to the reunion.
"(Y/N).." The Doctor says looking around, you were not facing him at first.
"I know it's beau..-" you turn around and see him down on one knee. You gasp covering your mouth.
"(Y/N) these past years with you have been the best and I've never felt this way with any human before and I want you to be mine and I want to travel with you forever" he smiled
"So (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) will you marry me and travel with me for what will seem like forever?" The Doctor asker nervously
"Of course Doctor!" You cheer like a little kid as you cry tears of joy. He grinned that big grin you love and slipped the ring on to your finger giving you a hug and a long kiss.

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