Why Not? 10th Doctor

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"Captain America or Ironman?" You ask watching the movie in the comfort of the Tardis.
"Well, they are both great men" The Doctor says in his thick accent as he nods. You sat on the floor leaning against the couch as The Doctor sat on the couch.
"But, listen Doctor which one would you choose" You reply
"What are you talking about?"
"Choose a side Doctor! It isn't this hard!" You whine and pull on his leg.
"Why would I choose?"
"Because I'm asking you too"
"That's not a smart idea"
"Who would you rather side with?"
"Why should I side with either of them" He questions
"Oh my God. Your literally gonna kill me" You mutter
"Hey! I'm just asking why" He whines
"Why are you asking why!?"
"Because I need to know why!"
"What do you need to know!"
"Why you want me to side with Captain America or Ironman!" He says frustrated
"Why not!" You throw your hands in the air.
"We are not playing this game (Y/N)" He shakes his head.
"Sorry Doctor, but you already got yourself stuck in this game"
"Noooo not again" He groans
"Yes again" You give a smirk and sit back looking at the movie. You feel his eyes sit upon you as they watch your every move. After 30 minutes he ask "(Y/N)..."
"Yes?" You smile
"Why are you smiling?"
"Why not"
"Argghhh" He groans. You smirk and continue to watch the movie.
"Why do you love me?"
"Why not?"
"Oh so you just love me because why not aye?" He stares at you.
"Why not?" You shrug and continue to watch the movie. He pulls out his sonic screwdriver and shut the TV down.
"Turn it on!"
"Nope" He popped the p.
"No way babe" He smiles and messed around with his screwdriver. At the perfect moment you snatched it away from him. You then turned the TV back on and threw his screwdriver across the room.
"Why did you do that!" He whines
"Why not?" You smirk as you laugh.
"That's it!" He groans and picks you up so your face to face with him.
"We are going somewhere anywhere in history. Now choose!"
"Why?" You ask
"Why not?" He smirks

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