He Finds Out Your A Timelord

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10th Doctor:
There was a lot of arguing happening, you just met Sarah Jane Smith and after you heard what had happened to her you felt depressed and now you and The Doctor were arguing. "Is that what you do get a companion and then leave them behind? Is that what's going to happen to me?" You asked him frustrated
He got teary eyed "You can live the rest of your life with me and we can travel" he catches his breath "But I can't live the rest of my life with you. That's the curse of a timelord" he was able to say with out making a tear fall from his eyes. "Well good thing I'm not a human" you reply and he looks at you like you drooled on your shirt. You grabbed his hand pulling it toward your chest. You led it to one heart and then another, he felt both hearts drumming at the same speed "I thought...." his voice trailed off still in surprise. "Your not alone" you whisper getting closer snuggling you head into his shoulder, and you felt a tear drop on hit your neck.

11th Doctor:
You and the Doctor were having a funny argument. You both were having some coffee and he was trying to hack into this WiFi that has gone on ambush. You both kept pulling the computer back and forth like children fighting over candy. "I've got this, now pop off and get us some coffee" you smirked
"Uh noo" he said taking the computer back
"I've got insane hacking skills"
"So do I they put stuff in me about computers remember!?"
"Well...! I've got two hearts..." he thought for a minute "and 27 brains!" He had the computer on his side
"No you don't" you smiled
"How would you know I'm a timelord?" He smiled
"So I am" you reply back
"No your not, I'm the only one left" he said in a serious tone.
"Then how come I have this!?" You show him the pocket watch with Gallifrey words written all over it. He took it and examined it "Im...I'm not alone" Then he smiled
"I'm not alone!" He shouts and hugs you.

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