10th doctor x reader

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The thing you loved most about him were his hugs. Every time he pulled you in it was warm, soft, gentle like any hug should be. Sometimes the hugs could be rough in different situations, but it was necessary at least to him because he wanted to protect you from any dangers that the world or galaxies could bring you. Today was a slow day in the Tardis. You both wanted to have a relaxing day not full of having to run from something dangerous every 10 minutes. So you both decided to let the Tardis just drift in space while you explored all the rooms the tiny box could fit. The library was the most interesting to you, and of course you both had fun in the pool. However you liked spending the time at the library to learn all you could. The Doctor was filled with a lot of knowledge and you knew you could never be as smart as him, but you wanted to test your knowledge anyways.

Currently as you lay in bed beside him you glance up. "Let's go to the library." You said with a giggle as you began to sit up. He follows after you as you ran down the infinite halls that the Tardis had until you reached your destination. "Ha I beat you." You stuck out your tongue at him and he grabbed you throwing you over his shoulder and taking you deeper into the library. "You can't keep me up here forever." You giggle as you kick your legs a little trying to get free. "Well I can try." He replies with a soft laugh as he then set you down on the table in the library. "I still can't get over how huge this room is, it's literally bigger than my whole entire college." You joke as your eyes scanned the room and you knew that his eyes were watching you. The Doctor had always been fond of you and just the way you react to things. He never had met anyone like you.

"Why are you so fascinated with this old library?" He chuckles as he looks at you while you were still looking around, yet you could feel his eyes on you. "I-I Don't exactly know." You reply as you look back down and take his hands into yours and guide him along as you went to a part of the library you had barley skimmed. "The doctor likes supernatural books?" She laughs as she grabbed one and took it out just to skim through. "Oh we don't talk about that." He chuckles and takes the book from you and puts it back into the shelf. "Okay then what else?" You raise your eyebrow and began to pace the floor as you looked for more. "Ooo this is a book about having a family." You giggle and take a look inside. Then you close it and look up at him. "I think I'll chose this one to read." You say and then leave the library with him following close behind.

For the rest of the day you two spent it in bed, him resting his head on your tummy while he listened to you read. "Maybe one day we will have a family." You say to him as you close the book and set it off to the side. "I would hope so." He said softly as he looked up at you and closed the space in between the both of you. Both your lips pressing against another. Little did the both of you know your little family would be starting soon.

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