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A/N: The timing doesn't add up but who needs timing when we have festivity.

Kian's eyes watched as the delicate snowflakes dropped from the sky, the way they shifted through the air with such a gentle elegance made him realise how much he missed Jac, the festivities making him long for her even more. Every day that she was gone the more he would ache inside, the more he needed her and the more he realised that it would be another pointless dream knowing she wouldn't come back. They had been through so much together, more so than probably anyone had been. He understood entirely what their relationship was doing to her and that she needed space especially in her predicament and that was what made him shudder at the thought of her being out there alone except she probably wouldn't be alone now. The tiredness was overbearing as he approached his block of flats, he entered the security door then headed up the stairs before frowning at what was in front of his door. As he got closer dread filled his system.

"What on earth..." he trails off and frowns placing his bag down on the floor; a blanket covering what he presumed was an odd-shaped box but when he lifted that blanket up it was far from what he imagined, a festive nightmare

A baby, covered in the softest of fluffy blankets to protect them from the elements, a hat on top of its head. Kian opened his mouth in shock, the past catching up on him faster than the speed of light. Tiredly he rubbed his eyes hoping that this was a dream, that he would snap out of it but no, no it wasn't, it was reality. Gently he removed the blanket and inside there was a letter and he tore it open faster than he could imagine and soon enough the tears flooded his eyes at the realisation of what the words on the paper meant.

She's better off without me

From that point on, Kian just knew this wasn't just any baby, his internalised thoughts from before becoming true instantly. This was his baby, his and Jac's baby and he knew this because he instantly recognised the writing. As the guilt seeped in for not being able to be there for them both he frowned rather confused knowing Jac was pregnant with twins when she left, maybe things didn't work out, maybe things were just too risky with everything she had been through medically. There was no point in assuming though, he just had to get on and deal with it, it was just one of those things. Kian placed the key in the door and opened it before frowning softly as the warmth of his flat hit him hard, he placed the car seat on the sofa and took the blanket away revealing the tiny body of his daughter. Gently he picked her up out of the car seat rather confused as she was so small maybe even a matter of days old. Under the baby there was another envelope, he took it and ripped it open seeing the birth certificate there and he shook his head softly at the fact Jac didn't want anything to do with their daughter. Right on cue, the small baby began to cry, he hushed her gently unsure of what to do, he'd never looked after a baby before, this was completely new to him and he was scared shitless that he would get it wrong. Above all that, he loved Jac automatically leading him to love this child as it was a part of her and a part of him. All he needed to know was where she was so he could help her out of the sorry mess she had got herself into this time...

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