Chapter 1

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The shrill cries filled the room, it was gone eleven at night and Kian realised he must have fallen asleep. Tiredly he rubbed his eyes and bent down to look at the child that was letting out these piercing cries. Gently he scooped her out of the car seat that was left with her and held her before realising he was way out of his depth, how on earth did he care for a baby? He hadn't done it before and he needed help, what did he even need to care for this child, she had nothing with her apart from the clothes she had on her back and now Kian was stumped. He grabbed his phone managing to temporarily silence the cries as he tried to sift through his contacts wondering who on earth would be able to help. Deciding on either Fletch or Sacha as he whittled it down to them not to spread the word of Jac leaving their baby on his doorstep but the more he thought about it the more he realised that he didn't want to scare Jac off if she was in the area so maybe Sacha wasn't the best candidate in case she sought refuge there leaving him to trust Fletch as he knew Jac pretty well as well. He rang and Fletch sensed his urgency so he made his way over concerned that Kian was in trouble or something considering he didn't give him a choice and was practically bullying him to go over to his so he did.

"Hi" Kian lets him in and Fletch narrows his eyes "I need your help-"

"I gathered that" Fletch comments as they head into the living room, he raises an eyebrow and Kian winces at his expression "Why do you have a baby? More importantly, who's baby is that?"

"Ok, you have to promise not to freak out or tell anyone," Kian says softly and Fletch narrows his eyes "This baby, she's mine and Jac's-"

"What?!" Fletch almost snaps and Kian just sighs at his somewhat disapproving look "You haven't spoken to Jac in almost a year, none of us have spoken to Jac in almost a year-"

"I know, it's crazy but..." Kian passes him the birth certificate causing Fletch to sigh and rub his head

"You think?!"

"I know"

"You need to tell someone about this, Jac could be out there in trouble-"

"I intend to but first I just need your help, she needs stuff and considering you've had like half a dozen kids..."

"Ok fine! I'll help but as long as you promise to tell someone about this, anyone" Fletch points and Kian nods slowly with a small smile "Where's her birth certificate anyway?"

"Here" Kian passes it to Fletch who sighs slightly looking at the name, he couldn't really make it out as it was smudged "I don't know what to call her-"

"She was born in Holby" Fletch narrows his eyes and Kian sighs slightly "So Jac must be in the area, it might be worth asking Sacha if he's heard from her, it's a long shot but..."

"Yeah I will do Fletch, I get the urgency. I just need to get her sorted then I can think of a plan"

"Alright!" Fletch grumbles and sighs slightly "I'll go out and get her some stuff, just try and keep her entertained and she definitely needs changing so I will be as quick as I can"

"Ok right, I can watch her I suppose" Kian nods with a small smile "Try and keep her distracted from all those thoughts of hunger"

"She's definitely your kid then...I'm going to nip to the shops pick up some stuff for her, you just watch her as there's no point in taking her out as it's bloody freezing"

"Thanks, Fletch, I owe you one" he whispers rolling his eyes at his remark, Fletch sighs shaking his head at the sorry mess this all was and how he was dragged into it, either way, he would support his friend, well both of his friends...


There was something precious about watching your child sleep, the rhythmic breathing and the way his daughter's little legs curled up involuntarily as if she was still in the womb. Shaking his head softly he couldn't resist placing his finger in the tiny palm of her hand and watch her fingers clasp around his one finger. He was melting and he knew it, there was no way he was giving this baby up. Fletch was great, he managed to get the necessities that they would need apart from a steriliser so they did some research on how to manually sterilise the bottles until tomorrow so they got working on that. Kian was watching tutorial after tutorial until he finally gave up around eleven after feeding his daughter, he heard all the stories about new-borns being a pain when they slept but somehow, even with a mix of his and Jac's genes, she was perfect at sleeping and didn't wake up that much and when she did it was pretty simple to figure out what she wanted. Soon morning came and Kian sighed in realisation he would have to go into work but then he remembered Fletch's words knowing they needed to find Jac in case she was in some sort of trouble so he dressed the baby and headed into work.

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