Chapter 18

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The more time went on the more she realised she hadn't been honest with him and the last thing she wanted was for their marriage to be based on lies, especially where their daughter was concerned. Jac was watching him intently, her eyes examining every movement they did, she knew she would have to sit down and have a conversation with him but the way he was being with their daughter, just holding her so she could have a break was making her avoid the topic of conversation she wanted to bring up. Then she remembered, the picture she drew recently so she tried to find it and Kian was soon alerted to her flapping around the living room.

"Ugh!" she complains and Kian sighs slightly looking at her stressing over something that he didnt think mattered

"What are you even looking for-"

"Can we talk?" she cuts in and Kian nods slowly knowing there was something she wanted to get off her chest

"You know we can talk whenever you want. Talk away" he puts to her as he adjusts their daughter on his lap, she takes her off him and kisses her on the head "What's bothering you?"

"I lied" she winces at her words at how serious that sounded, she just didnt know how else to put it


"Me...about, my relationship with Ebony and how I've been with her" she admits, Kian nods slowly "My mind, it took over, I left her on her own Kian, admittedly it was while back but I let her cry and it was ringing in my ears and I drew a picture again-"

"Jac slow down," he says and she sighs biting her lip the tears threaten to fall "Is that what you were trying to find?"

"Yeah I just...didnt know if you would believe me, I've been doing so well and I just wanted to be honest with you before we got married"

"Jac, I will always believe you" he whispers and she nods slowly "And what happened then doesn't mean it will happen again"

"I know" she drops her gaze and Kian hooks a couple of fingers under her chin to guide her towards his lips "You are ok with what I said though..."

"Jac it's fine, I know what I'm looking out for and I trust you with her, you dont need to worry and I know you won't intentionally hurt her, you're getting better each day"

"Thank you, for understanding"

"You dont need to thank me," he says quietly and she nods slowly "Now, we need to talk about the wedding which is commencing in under two weeks now"

"Hmm, well we agreed we wouldnt have a reception, well not a traditional one anyway," she says and Kian nods "So I just booked Albie's out for drinks and a range of top quality picky bits just to share with everyone who goes to the wedding the annoying part is that we will have to make an appearance"

"How annoying when we could be in our five-star hotel room in town" he teases and she nudges him with a smirk

"And there will be no leaving early on our part," she says causing Kian to groan and bite his lip "I mean it Kian"

"You can't blame a man for trying, speaking about trying, what does your dress look like?"

"You never give up do you?" she grins picking Ebony up and heading over to the fridge "And I'm not telling you"

"Shame, I might not be able to compose myself at the alter"

"Well you're just going to have to because by the end of it I want a wedding ring on my finger"

"Speaking of altars, are we doing vows?"

"Oh I dont know" she groans, they happened to have this discussion the other night and they were still undecided "Do we need them?"

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