Chapter 20

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The previous night was amazing, it was more than that but they couldnt seem to describe it any other way. There were a few wobbles as usual but they fought through them and Kian was so proud of Jac for succumbing to him instead of her demons. There they were though, lying in each other's eyes, Jac's eyes sealed close as Kian admired her and pulled her closer to the warmth of his body causing her to immediately stir and turn around to face him sleepily. Softly, he kissed her and Jac smiled at him before cupping his cheek, it wasnt long before he was on top of her and they were just kissing completely wrapped up in each other.

"As much as I would like to continue" she smirks and Kian groans slightly knowing they were meant to be having breakfast "We do need to head downstairs"

"How about I get room service" he suggests and Jac hums slightly "We can sit out on the balcony and just eat breakfast together"

"Alright" she confirms and Kian nods at her before sliding out of bed "Where are you going?"

"I'm having a shower, care to join me?" he smirks and she grins getting out of bed and following him into the bathroom...


After finishing in the shower Kian was watching Jac dry her hair, he kissed her softly on the neck and then got ready to accept their breakfast that was being brought up to their room. Both of them were so happy with their decision, everything seemed to be falling into place and that was just how she liked it. It was the domestic things that got to her the most and she could feel herself softening towards them, the way Kian was feeding her in the most romantic way possible and the way she was doing it back, it made her almost giddy. Of course, that little bubble was burst when Sacha called her about Ebony saying that she was really upset and grumpy so Jac and Kian headed to his house to pick up both her and Emma.

"Mummy!" Emma launches herself at her mother and she immediately lifts her up to hold her close

"She hasn't stopped going on about the wedding" Sacha rolls his eyes passing Ebony to Kian, he bounces her gently on his hip, "I think she's teething"

"Yeah, we guessed that would be the problem" Kian smiles at Jac who was holding her daughter close "Anyway shall we get off?"

"Yeah, come on you... let's get you into the car" Jac smiles at her daughter and takes her over to the car before returning for the baby "And now let's get you in the car"

"So productive" Kian grins and Jac glares at him as she straps the baby in before returning to kiss Kian on the lips "Married life suits you Naylor"

"She's not a Naylor anymore" Sacha beams and Jac rolls her eyes looking at Kian with raised eyebrows

"No, but I am at work which is where we will be heading tomorrow-"

"Woah hold on" Kian stops her and she crosses her arms over her chest, her eyebrows raised "No honeymoon?"

"You cant not have a honeymoon" Sacha states and Jac groans in annoyance pinching the bridge of her nose "Thats like breaking one of the most important rules of getting married"

"Agreed" Kian smirks and Jac just sighs before shrugging "Help me out here Sacha"

"You have to go somewhere" Sacha laughs and Jac just looks between them both "Suggest something then Kian"

"I have to suggest?" he looks at them both and they both nod "I mean...we could go somewhere hot-"

"No I'll burn, I am a redhead"

"Ok then we'll go somewhere cooler" he counters and she just raises her eyebrows at him "How about France?"

"Paris?" Sacha suggests and Jac looks between them both "Come on Jac, give us something to work with"

"Fine, we'll go to Paris" she relents and Kian rolls her eyes, it was like trying to get blood out of a stone "Are you happy now?"

"Well you could seem a little more enthusiastic about it" he teases and Jac smirks at him before biting her lip "But either way we'll figure something out"

"Hmm good," she says "Now we need to get home and try and settle Ebony before she deafens poor Emma in the back"


They went home and Emma chose a film, she was sitting beside Jac on her right and Kian was on her left with his arm around her shoulders, the baby sat on Jac's lap as she slumbered peacefully against her mother. Every now and then Kian dropped a kiss onto Jac's head and she smiled every time remembering that she now had a life that was worth fighting for. She had both of her daughters in her life and a husband which she never thought she would have in a million years. Now Kian was her equal, they had been through so much and supported each other through thick and thin and all the difficult times and no doubt they would do the same for the possibility of more difficult times ahead. As the movie drew to a close, Jac glanced at both of her girls and realised they were both fast asleep, Kian noticed too and picked Emma up into his arms and took her up into her bedroom to sleep whilst Jac put Ebony in her cot.

"Come here" he whispers and she immediately smiles and walks over to him, she wraps her arms around his middle and he strokes her hair "I love you"

"And I love you" she murmurs against his chest, he kisses her on the head and she briefly tightens her arms around him "We are going to be ok, aren't we?"

"Yeah, yeah we are. We have each other Jac, we have everything we need right here under this roof and more"

"Hmm good" she hooks her arms up and around his neck "Because I dont think I can live my life without you now"

"We kind of complete each other ey?"

"Hmm dont let it go to your head" she smirks and Kian kisses her softly on the lips, her hands coming to rest on his chest

"Never leave me again Jac" he cups her cheek and she nods, her gaze dropping as the past comes to the forefront of her mind

"I'm never going to leave you, I have too much to lose now," she says quietly and Kian smiles down at her "We have one hell of a future"

"Yeah, I suppose we do" he grins and she grins up at him before taking his hand into hers "I love you"

"You've already said that," she says quietly as her eyes meet his "But I love you too, and our somewhat dysfunctional family, I guess we could never do it easy eh?"

"No, we couldnt but at least thats true to us and that gives me hope that this is going to last forever"

"It will last forever because I love you"

"And I love you"

The End

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