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~Rin's P.O.V~

It's been three months since Haru's apparent wedding. Thank God Hiroki came up with a plan and I got him back.

Three months since our anniversary as well.

I wonder what is in store for us in the future.

Haru is planning on visiting his parents two days from now. With me. This means we have to pack our bags. And I really don't know how to face them. I was the reason why Haru couldn't even succeed the family in the first place.

"Haru, when we go there, what will you tell your parents about me?" I asked, biting my bottom lip. I was nervous that I'll be going to meet my lovers parents. His parents think he's in love with my sister which I don't want them to think that. I want to introduce myself properly as his lover. But of course that can't be done. I look at Haru, waiting for his response, as he packs his blue bag.

"We'll tell them that you're my friend." He said bluntly, looking at me with his usual blank face. Disappointment washed over me as he said those words. Tch. I thought I broke his shell. Looking at me so blankly. But still. Of course I can't introduce myself as his lover straight out after the whole wedding cancellation.

"I'm planning on telling them that you're my lover though. After dinner or something."

"What?!" I exclaimed, "No way! What do you think your parents would say? They would surely get mad or... or disown you... I don't want that to happen because of me." I gave out a shaky breath. Yes. If they knew I was the reason for Haru not marrying that woman, they would really get mad. They may even throw him out and not treat him as family. I felt my heart constrict painfully. Of course I can't be Harus lover in front of his parents. I looked down gritting my teeth. I should make a good first impression, especially on his mom.

I felt Harus warm fingers brush on my chin, lifting my head up, making me look at his sea blue eyes that haven't yet, and never will, lose their spark, the spark I fell in love when I saw him. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, taking my breath away. This is the first time he ever smiled like that.

"It's fine, Rin. You don't have to worry." He said. But I am worrying. I wanted to retort back but just kept quiet. It's his family, and I can't do anything about that, it's his family. "Now let's go." He took his hand away from my chin and smiled at me. This is the first time Haru has done this. I was always the one to reassure him and give him the confidence. I smiled. I guess it's his turn to reassure me, even after what happened between us.

I look at him and smile back. "Alright. Let's complete packing our bags."

Two days later and here we are standing in front of a magnificent two story traditional Japanese house. We walked across the stone path that lead to the front door of the house. The stone path had grass spring through the cracks that seem to find their way into every stone path. We reached the front door and Haru rang the doorbell, a few minutes later an old lady opened the door. She had white hair that was tied in a bun; she wore a black and white maid outfit that made her seem a little younger than her age. Her face was wrinkled due to age, but her lower face was ore wrinkled for another reason, she was smiling. "Haru-sama, what a pleasure to see you back. You're doing better than your last visit, I'm glad." The maid spoke with elegance and respect towards Haru. It was very weird hearing someone address Haru with such a respect and adding a 'sama' after his name.

"Kukuri-san, I told you before to stop treating me formally. You used to take care of me when I was a child. You're like my mother." Haru said, smiling towards Kukuri-san, "and yes I have been better and I feel so much better." Haru's smile widened and looked at me. I looked back at him confused, then I looked towards Kukuri-san's direction and she was smiling at Haru then me. This made me more confused.

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