Chp 5- Celebration gone wrong

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((Hello everyone! how are you? Here is the 5th chp and as you all know there is an OC and her pic is on top. She looks pretty, right? I know I haven't updated in a long time since I was preparing for summer holidays and my travel. Well hope you enjoy this chp. No more talk, enjoy))

~Narrators P.O.V~

"His... fiancée...?" The red haired lad asked with a blank face, unable to comprehend what was going on.

"Yes!" Answered the young, elegant girl, as she stood with her black, traditional kimono and her shiny; raven-black hair that was tied in a bun, so she could feel the warm breeze of the early summer, brush against her soft skin. Her eyes, framed by long eye-lashes, bright hazel colour that entices you, a straight nose, full lips, that were tainted with a dash of pink - she seemed the picture of perfection. She had a white umbrella that she held firmly with her gentle, small, slender hands with her in order to block the sun from reaching her delicate, white skin.

Rin stood in front of the door dumb founded, not knowing what to say or do. The shock of knowing that his lover already had a fiancée, had hit him hard. On that note, everyone in the living room who heard the conversation fell into deep silence, anticipating the rage that would be unleashed from the young man.

"What is going on?" Asked the black haired lover, noticing that his house became pin-drop silent. As soon as he saw the young girl outside the door, standing on the porch, his petrified face struck everyone in the house.

"Ah. Haruka-kun! Aunt told me that you would be coming home today, but you did not, so I came instead..." The sophisticated fiancée said, trailing off shyly. The blue haired lad looked nervously at his lover, who was still in the state of shock, not moving or speaking, just listening to the conversation.

"Ummmm, Saeko... I don't know how to say it... but, I won't be going back for a while. Is that alright?" Haru asked looking very worried, afraid that Rin would burst.

"Alright. I will be waiting for you. Aunt and uncle too." She said moving forward and planting a kiss on Haru's lips, then walked away shyly, her face red. The kiss caused the red haired shark snap, as soon as the fiancée left, Rin started shouting, "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED??" His features darkened and his teeth baring at the innocent dolphin, who was trying to explain his situation.

"Listen Rin, I know I hid it from you something like this, but ple-"

Within seconds, Rin's hand came into contact with Haru's cheek, cuasing a loud sound to be heard. Everyone got shocked by Rin's action. Haru looked at him in disbelief, his blue eyes loosing color and were open wide. His hand automatically reached for his red cheek that burned him.

"DON'T SAY A WORD!" Rin cut off the desperate Haru, "WHAT THE HELL? AND WHEN I CAME TO GET YOU BACK, YOU SAID THAT I NEVER LOVED YOU. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU? HAVING A FIANCÉE WITHOUT ME KNOWING? BEHIND MY BACK? IS THIS A WAY TO GET REVENGE? AND WHAT THE FUCK? LETTING HER KISS YOU IN FRONT OF ME? TRY CONSIDERING MY FEELINGS FOR ONCE." He roared all along, while Haru still had his hand on his burning, red cheek. He stayed silent taking everything in. I should have told him before, but he would still get angry. No. If I explained it to him properly from before. Haru scolded himself, how to make his boyfriend understand and wishing he had told him from before.

Rin looked at Haru with rage flaming in his eyes, clenched fists and gritting teeth.

"You know? Why don't you go back to her and I go with Gou, back to my family's house. We are through." The last three words struck Haru like a lightening, getting electrified by such cruel, harsh words that he never wanted to hear, never wanting to be separated from Rin, making him forget the pain on his cheek but caused pain in his heart. The day he dreaded has already come.

The red head went inside the room, furious with the situation, he banged the door of his lover's room, with his big hand, that were once gentle embracing Haru. He sat down on the bed, trying to cool his head and think straight. Haru has a fiancée? Since when? Why haven't I heard of anything? But he said that he loved me. Doubts, questions, and thoughts hovered all over his head like annoying bees that wouldn't stop. He started muttering words that were comprehensible. He started cursing himself under his breath.

After Rin left the living room, everyone got up and went to the depressed dolphin, worried.

"Haru-chan why didn't you say you had a fiancée, and since when?" Nagisa questioned, shocked but tried to act cool in such a situation.

"It's all my fault." Hiroki said, blaming himself, looking down at his feet with guilt, "Mother sent me here so I can convince Haru to come back to the family because it was time and I took the responsibility... but because I was too caught up in my own happiness I forgot to warn Haru from Saeko, that she is impatient when it comes to him. It's all my fault..." The twin kept blaming himself for the incident that had just occurred.

"No it is my fault. I did not tell Rin about it and I was also too caught up in my own happiness." Haru said, now starting to blame himself, defending his younger twin. Everyone got startled after hearing a bang coming from the room where Rin entered.

"Gou, let's go home. I don't want stay in this place any longer. And Haru as I said we are absolutely through this time, so you can go back to that fiancée of yours." The red head remarked, walking past them, getting out of the house where it was quite sunny.

"Wait onii-chan! At least hear what Haruka-senpai wants to say." Exclaimed the young, energetic girl, pleading her brother if he would at least hear the story. But it was useless, the elder brother did not even stop and just ignored his sister's pleading. The young girl followed her stubborn brother trying to convince him even though it was useless.

"Aren't you going after him Haru?" Asked the brown haired boy who did not speak a word until now.

"It's useless. He won't hear me out, not even bat an eye." Replied Haru, with a trembling voice. He was about to cry.

Gou and Rin had left, Makoto and the other three started comforting him, saying nice words and other things, but it was all wasted. He felt like he was just abandoned, it felt more painful than seven years ago. His heart cringed at the thought of never seeing Rins face ever again and that he would leave him like the past. His chest felt tight and out of pain, his hand moved to his chest and clenched it, suffocating from all the words and all the noises, that were swarming around. He wanted to be alone.

"Hiroki. Tell mother that I am coming tomorrow." He looked at his younger twin, his eyes looking down filled with desolation, ready to tear. He went into his room and took his bag to pack it, preparing for his leave.

I think this means a goodbye Rin. Sorry for hiding it from you. Sorry for being such a worthless lover. And a tear rolled down Haru's cheek.

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