Chp 2- memories

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((Hello (waves hand). How's everyone doing today? So here is the second chapter as promised and it pretty long, hope you guys don't get bored. Well then enjoy and leave a comment or a vote.))

- Haru POV-

Shock and surprise overwhelmed me as Rin threw his huge, muscular arms around my neck and mumbled my name. Different emotions surged within me, happy that I get to see him again, sad because of what happened in the past , angry that he never contacted us for a year. I spotted two crimson bags waiting for their owner to drag them in; it then clicked in my head what he wanted to do.

"Can you please get out," I said firmly. Rin pulled his bulky arms from my neck and looked at me his eyes wide open, shocked. "Why?" He asked, furrowing is eye brows.

"Just please get out. I don't want to see you," I demanded. I wanted him to stay but there is nothing between us now. Nothing at all.

As Rin left the house, dragging both bags that were filled with God-knows-what, I leaned on the wall that was closest to me and slid down till my knees met my chest, placing my hands on them. "You broke me once; I don't want you to break me again." I whispered to myself. Why can't I face him?

It was about 7 years ago when Rin first came as a transfer student.

"Children we have a new student here, please welcome him properly!" Said our teacher with her irritating high pitched voice.
"Hi! My name is Rin Matsouka! I have a girly name, but I am a boy. Nice to meet you!" I heard a cheerful voice, filled with happiness. My head was resting on my hands showing as if I were asleep so I couldn't see him. I heard the wooden chair of the empty seat next to me clatter. My head was still against my arms and I did not even bother to lift my head. It was worthless and useless.

"Hi! I'm your new partner, Rin Matsouka!" Said the boy with the same voice as before, which pissed me off. To my curiosity I lifted my head only to be dazzled by his sparkly, red eyes that were filled with kindness and happiness that would welcome people, his crimson hair that would fall perfectly in place and finally his beautiful pink lips that were curved into a perfect smile that warmed my heart. I stared at him for almost a minute, until I realized his face turned from a happy one to a confused one and a tilted head that made his hair effortlessly follow and fall sideways. I snapped out of my trance. "Hi. My name is Haruka Nanase." I said with my emotionless voice and face that showed no interest, yet I was so happy on meeting this boy. My heart was warmed and I felt a fluffy feeling in my heart that I've never felt before.

During lessons he kept asking me questions about the school and how was it organized. I hated people, who would ask me irrelevant questions, but his voice soothed me and I allowed it to pass. School was so boring and I couldn't wait until we were allowed to go to our club activities. I had chosen the swim club when I first came. I loved swimming and feeling the water as it crashes against my skin.

After those boring classes got over I rushed out of the class room, and headed straight to the swim club and waited for the rest of the students to arrive. When the coach came and called out the names for attendance check he read out "Rin Matsouka is here?" I was shocked and happy to find him joining the same club as mine. Seeing him talk to Nagisa made me jealous for a while, but I shook it off and continued swimming.

Days have passed by and he kept talking to me and asking me questions. One day after the swim club activity when Makoto and Nagisa were heading home and asked me to join them, Rin stepped in and told them that we both had other plans. I was surprised by what Rin said when I realized there was something pulling me towards an unfamiliar direction. Rin lead the way to a path I have never taken. "Come. I want to show you my house!" Hearing that from him, made me more curious to what he was up to, so I followed. Reaching a nice, beautifully built house made me wonder in awe, I did not expect him to live in such a house and he was living alone, like me. He opened the door and ushered me into the living room. The table was set in the middle where there were many books stocked on the book shelves around the place. It was neat and tidy and everything was in perfect place. I was amazed to see a child like him having a house as clean as this. He turned to me with a soft smile. "So? How's my house?" He asked gesturing with his arms around the house. I nodded slowly looking around once again. "Want to live with me?" Rin asked in a weird tone. I froze by that statement. My eyes wide open and my brain stopped working. He stepped closer towards me and planted a kiss on my lips that made my heart throb, skipping a beat. My mind was numb and couldn't process what was going on, not even expecting any of this to happen.

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