Chp 4- falling for someone else - Part two

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((Hello. (Waves hand). How is everyone? Here is the second part aaannnd there is an OC so ya, you will know in the end of the chp. No more talk, enjoy :)))

~Makoto's P.O.V~

Hiroki is going back, back to Nagoya? What is going on? Why?

I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. What is the meaning of this? After I realized my feelings for him? I heard footsteps coming towards me, I looked up and saw a surprised Hiroki.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me, with eyes wide open indicating him being shocked at my presence. He looked at me with teary eyes as if he were about to cry, "didn't I tell you not to come?"

"Sorry, but I came here to-"

"I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN" He shouted, making the bitter words from that time, come back to me.

"Wait. I want to tell you something that's why I came here." I said frantically wanting him to understand, and trying my best to shake off his echoing words.

"YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME? ABOUT WHAT? ABOUT HOW YOU FELT MAKING A MESS OUT OF ME AND MAKING fun of me..." He trailed off at the last three words and started sobbing, tears streaming down his cheeks non-stop.

Just follow your impulse. Right then, Rin's words rang in my ear as if an alarm waking me up, telling me he did not give me that advice for nothing. I stood up straight and hugged the sobbing Hiroki that was in front of me.

"Leave me and go, please." He begged, struggling, trying to break free from my strong embrace.

"No can do." I replied back, patting his head, trying to make him calm down. I bent down to his ear and whispered, "I love you." He looked up at me with surprise. With my guard down, he pushed me away and screamed, "LAIR! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT WITHOUT FEELINGS? WASN'T IT ENOUGH TO KISS ME HALF-HEARTILY." He sobbed even more.

"No!" I exclaimed panicking, "When I kissed you that time, I don't know what was up with me. I was drawn to you by something I can't explain it myself. But believe me, when Rin was talking to me in lunch break about you, he made me realize that all these feeling I've been harboring for Haru, have actually gone to you and I actually love you." I said, not knowing the right words but just kept them all into a sentence. Hiroki looked at me surprised.

"You were talking about me with Rin?" He asked looking shocked and had a grave face. "Now I really hate myself. Even though I know that Rin is very loyal to Haru, I still doubted him. When I saw you both secluded somewhere where no one was there, I thought that something was up and that you two were hooked together and I felt really horrible and bitter from the inside. But now that I know that it wasn't like that... I really hate myself." He started sobbing and repeating the same words. I felt guilty and sad at the helpless sight that was displayed in front of me. I hugged him again, this time soothing him by feeling and patting his head.

"You don't have to hate yourself for this. If I was in your place and I loved someone so much, I would get jealous over them and not like other people getting close to them." I said looking at him with a smile, with the intention of calming him. He looked at me with innocent eyes that were wide open, making him look like a lost cat finally finding a home and a master.

"Do you really love me?" He asked doubtful, wanting to know if what I said was true or not. I looked at him for a while, and then nodded, "Yes. I love you from all my heart."

I started leaning forward wanting to kiss him, he also started raising his head up slowly, trying to reach his lips to mine. Just then, Hiroki's cell phone starting ringing, interrupting our kiss. I felt awful and disappointed and was really angry at whoever called, for interrupting me trying to properly kiss to the I just confessed to.

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