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- Haru P.O.V -

Moving in our new house was easy. Everyone helped us with moving our furniture and packing all our necessary items.

Watching everyone settle down, all huddled under the kotetsu, I smile thinking of all the hurdles we have all been through. I slowly retreat to our bedroom and look around with a wide smile etched on my face. Looking at the wooden king sized bed in the middle of the room accompanied by our old bed side tables. They may not be brand new with all the marks and scuffs engraved into them, telling stories about our childhood. I have not yet checked mine nor have I kept my items in it.

I walk towards it and open it, to my surprise I find a piece of paper with writing in it. I frown not remembering and knowing how it got here. I slowly open it and read it's contents:

"Hi Haru. I know I left suddenly to go to Australia and I should have told you before. But I couldn't bring myself to tell you and see you cry. I am going to Australia because I want to be the best swimmer out there and be worthy of you. I wrote this letter because I don't know how to tell you all of this and I really hope you can forgive me for leaving you alone. I don't want to, I really don't but I'm doing this for us. Knowing that makes me feel better. When I'm there, I'll always think of you and never forget you. So please don't hate me or forget me.


Rereading the letter 2 more times, I look up to find Rin standing at the door, his body leaning on the door frame. "What's in you hand?" He looks at the piece of paper with curiosity as I look at him with adornment. "Your letter," I choke out a reply. He looks at me confused, "the one I wrote before I left to Australia? You never read it before? Oh my God, it all makes sense now. I thought you were still mad even after reading the letter."

"Who would be mad after reading this letter?" I get up and punch his arm lightly, letter still in my hand. I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Smelling his scent calms me. I feel his strong arms wrap around me making me feel safe as he kisses my head. "I'm sorry I left you on your own all these years. Believe me, I hated the fact that I was going to 1000s of miles away from you. I was thinking of you every single day. Even every achievement I accomplished I wanted to share that moment with you. I knew that if I sent you a post card or a letter, I would just get the urge to go back to Iwatobi." I lift my head up and look into his eyes, I lean forward and press my lips into his, slowly closing my eyes as our lips lock and kiss. I wrap my arms around his body.

Suddenly, we hear a click of a camera and see a flash making us both break the kiss and look to the source finding Nagisa smiling goofily with his phone in hand and everyone behind him watching us, "now that's a picture that needs to be framed." We all smileand look at each other. This group of friends has been through so much.

"Hey everyone, I got the food and it's going to get cold so let's go eat!" Gou chimes in excited and we all laugh at her saying, "yes yes we are going to eat now."

As we head out of the room into the living room, I place the letter on the night stand and smile. Rin may have left me long ago, but that's the past and he did for himself and for us. I don't have to worry because now we are finally happy together.

((This is the absolute end. I wrote this extra because a lot were asking what the letter contained. I hope this chapter made you all happy and gave you closure. Happy to be with you guys again. Peace!!))

Just one step to you (RinHaru fanfic) BoyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now