Chp 7- Marriage

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((Hey guys!! Sorry for the long wait for the update that has lasted a year. Holy shit this is the first time. School was a bitch. My last year and I needed to focus on my studies plus I had a writers block with all the load so ya. Well here's the long awaited chp hope u all like it. No more talk, enjoy))

~Haru's P.O.V~

Today is the most awaited day by my family. My wedding. If only it were with Rin.

I wish I told Rin all that happened. Why did Saeko come at a wrong time? What can I do to make Rin understand that I absolutely love him and I don't care about Saeko? What should I do, Rin? Please believe me. Questions kept running in my head and I just want them to get out but they can't. Images of Rin's smiling face and our happy memories kept rolling in my head like a movie, haunting me, never letting me think properly.

I looked at myself in the mirror in my dressing room. My hair was slicked back, my wedding suit was shiny and looked expensive, I had a red handkerchief sticking out from the pocket of my suit's jacket. White shirt covered with a black formal jacket. My wedding. With Saeko. Not Rin.

I heard the door to my dressing room creak, I looked to see who it was and it was my mother.

"Dear, why are you crying?" She asked, worry engraved on her face. I looked at the mirror and saw a stray tear rolling down my right cheek. I wiped it and looked at her with a sad smile.

"I'm just happy," I lied. Like hell I would be happy marrying Saeko who I never even loved nor acknowledged her existence.

"Oh sweetie. I know how you feel. I felt the same way when I got married to your father," she assured, her facial features softening and becoming tender, staring into the void as her memories invaded her brain. I looked at my watch, my chest tightened. It was time. If I do this I cannot go back to the way I was with Rin nor how I used to be. My life will change completely.

I cleared my throat and looked at my mother. She was smiling, still remembering her wedding with father. She looked at me when she realized she had made me wait.

"So baby, are you ready?" She asked, with a wide smile on her face. I looked at her and smiled again. This will be my last smile.

I headed outside to where I have to stand. The church was packed with relatives from our side and Saeko's side. The right side were all my relatives and the left were packed with hers. Different people had come, from my father's associates to weird people that looked like diplomats or some company owners. I stood there waiting for my bride to come out of the big door with her father. After a couple of minutes, the pianist started playing the wedding music. This is it. I'm sorry Rin. I have been the worst lover, but I still love you. After that thought, I tried to hold back my tears that were begging to spill out.

The big doors opened, revealing a young ecstatic girl wearing a white dress that dragged to the ground. She had a vial placed on her head covering her face. She was holding a white bouquet of roses. Her father was wearing a suit and had a white rose on his jacket pocket. He looked old with the cracks that were visible on his face and his white hair the was slicked at the back.

Finally when she reached to where I was standing, I took off the vial, revealing her long eyelashes coated with mascara; her full red lips, that were quivered into a smile. Her black eyes glittering with happiness by the fact that she is marrying me today. But I had no interest in her, this wedding or anything around her. I despised her. I only care for and about Rin.

We turned to face the priest who will soon kill me with his words. He cleared his throat and started speaking, "we are gathered today in this pleasant day to celebrate the union of these two loving couple." Loving couple? My ass. I don't even love her and I never will. I don't think she loves me either, shes probably after the money.

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