4. High Anxiety

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"Good morning," Obi-Wan smiled when Lore-Val opened the door.

"Hello. Padme is in meetings all morning and said I could stay here," She smiled slightly, "I'm sure you have Jedi stuff to do."

"I was actually wondering if you would like to go into the city, and look at apartments."

Lore-Val's face dropped, her eyes growing wide, "Do you have to leave the temple? Are you being forced out?"

Obi-Wan frowned, seeing her anxiety, "No, I made a request to resign from the order."

"What? Because of me? No you-"

"I thought of it before," he told her gently, "And now, it makes sense."

She shook her head rapidly, "-Mother never wanted that. We didn't want to be the reason you broke the oath." Lore-Val frowned at her feet, "And what about the war? You're a general."

"Yes, I will still have responsibilities for the GAR and the council has asked me to stay until the end of the war," Obi-Wan said, trying to sound calm, "But once the war is won, I'll be just a regular civilian like anyone else."

He looked down at her, crying teenagers were still not something he knew how to deal with. Could he push her to calm with the force? Would that be wrong?

"I'm sorry," she whispered. She scrubbed her face, and let out a wet laugh, "I'm not like this," Another laugh, and she looked up at Obi-Wan, "I'm really not. I don't...I don't cry. Not like this."

"You're allowed to cry," Obi-Wan said, cautiously putting a hand on her shoulder. Anakin hadn't been a cryer, but this seemed to be working.

She looked up at him with an attempt at a smile, "Thank you," she paused to wipe the tears from her eyes, "I was cleaning my boots, let me just get them and I'll be ready to go."

"Are you sure? If it's too much-"

"I'll be alright," she smiled again, this time a little more convincing, "just a second."

AN: Sorry this chapter was short, but I think (hope) the next update should make up for it. Question of the day- should I be naming my chapters? I'm terrible at it but would take suggestions if anyone has some- no pressure tho

Thank You to delicattie for putting up with me and to my brother who I force to check every chapter :)

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now