20. An Education...of Sorts

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Obi-Wan stood next to Lore-Val as she spoke with the curriculum director. He couldn't help but think the whole thing odd. If Lore-Val were a Jedi she'd have been chosen as a Padawan by now and her classes would have been pushed to the back burner. Yet here she was, fourteen and asking for work to do.

The meeting ended with Lore-Val walking out holding a new data pad and a handful of data cards. She was still chattering about learning Twi'leki and teaching it to Boil when they got in Obi-Wan's borrowed speeder.

Obi-Wan watched her as she strapped in, "You're very calm for all that happened."

"Oh. The being kidnapped?"

"Yes. The being kidnapped," he said in disbelief.

Lore-Val shrugged, "Well when I was small my guards spent a lot of time preparing for me to be taken. It was considered to be my highest probability of danger. I always assumed it would happen sooner or later."

Obi-Wan shook his head; even he knew that wasn't normal. He didn't exactly know how to unpack it though. It was like when Anakin was a kid and would casually (and angrily) mention growing up as a slave. He just had to take a deep breath, and do everything he could to keep that from being a problem in the future.

. . .

Obi-Wan heard music coming from the apartment when they got to the door. He unlocked it, keeping Lore-Val a step behind him as he stepped in. The anxiety in his chest died down when he saw several members of the 501st standing in his kitchen. Kix and Rex had the decency to look embarrassed, but everyone else simply welcomed them home.

Lore-Val smiled at the sight of her friends, stepping aside when Obi-Wan pushed by her to turn down the music, "What are you all doing here?"

"Well," Anakin said from where he was digging through a cabinet, "We're getting ready to head out, and wanted to say goodbye," he came back out with a bag of dried fruit that he offered to Jesse, "Isn't that right boys?"

The clones all chorused their agreement. Ahsoka rolled her eyes at the obvious lie.

"Fives," Obi-Wan asked tiredly, "why are you all here?"

"Me sir?" Fives asked as his brothers pushed him to the front of the group.

"We all know you can't lie to save your life. Tell me why you're here."

Fives looked between the two generals, clearly not happy at his current position. Anakin nodded to him, urging him to tell a half decent lie. Obi-Wan however had the 'neutral face of disappointment' and would clearly win this battle.

"Well sir. We uh, wanted to see where you and Lady Kryze live. The commander was on her way over, and offered to bring a few of us, but when the general found out he made it into a... what did you call it sir?"

Anakin glared, "A company bonding exercise," he grumbled, "We really are leaving soon though. Rex, put Fives down for latrine duty when we make camp."

Jesse laughed and earned himself a shove from Fives.

Obi-Wan sighed, "Make yourselves comfortable I suppose."

"Where are you going?" Lore-Val asked the soldiers.

Anakin smirked, "Cato Neimoidia."

Obi-Wan shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Anakin please don't."

"Please do," Fives grinned. Lore-Val nodded from her spot beside him.

Anakin smiled at Lore-Val, "Oh, has your father not told you of the many times I've saved his skin? Gather around younglings and I'll tell you a story of valor and near death."

Obi-Wan let out a deep sigh, "Anakin, are you sure you don't need to go?"

"No, we still have a few hours before our final briefing. Rex if you start fact checking this story you're joining Fives in the latrines got it?"

Rex shot Obi-Wan an apologetic look before agreeing to his general's terms.

"Good. So it's the beginning of the war..."

AN: Anyone want to guess where we're heading next? This upcoming arc is trying to kill me but I'll do my very best to get it done so updates aren't too sporadic. If I miss a week don't worry, I'll be back there's too much going for me to abandon this lol

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now