37. Beginning of the End

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Obi-Wan rarely thought about the future, but now that he was hurtling across the galaxy, towards a ship holding both Dooku and Grievous, it seemed like he could be running out of time before the future would be upon them all.

He was from Stujon. Maybe he had family there that could teach him to be a civilian. He hadn't been there since he was taken to the Jedi temple as a child so that probably wasn't the best place for him to start this new life.

He thought of Naboo. He had such painful memories of the planet, but Lore-Val would be furious if she wasn't able to be near Senator Amidala. Maybe with his daughter by his side it would make Naboo liveable.

So they would look for somewhere to live on Naboo. Preferably far away from the city of Theed.

Once he was out from under the Council and Order's authority he would reach out to Ahsoka. She could come to live with them on Naboo and he could complete her training to the best of his ability. At least she wouldn't be alone anymore.

A three bedroom home on Naboo.


Four bedrooms. A halfway house for Cody, Solitaire and the others after the war.

Obi-Wan Kenobi's home for Clone Wars veterans.

He smiled to himself. A life away from the politics of Coruscant. Just being a normal person, a father. He'd never been just a person before. It sounded relaxing, if not a little boring. Maybe they would get a pet. Yes, he was going to find the most homely looking Tooka cat and name it Qui-Gon.

He brought himself back to the present as the ship dropped out of hyperspace. There was work to be done.

. . .

Lore-Val frowned at her com. She'd peaked out the cooling shade and seen both 212th and 501st troopers walking in the square below so she knew Obi-Wan was back on the planet by now after retrieving the Chancellor from Dooku. She'd tried calling him a few times but never got an answer.

She weighed her options and decided to call Anakin. He picked up quickly, clearly distracted as he answered, "Skywalker,"

"Yes, I know. I can see you," Lore-Val grinned, laughing as Anakin tore his eyes away from whatever he was looking at (probably Padme) to finally see who he was speaking with. "I'm glad you aren't dead," she told him.

Anakin returned her smile, "Of course not. I nearly had a heart attack seeing Ahsoka but-"

"You saw Ahsoka?" Lore-Val interrupted.

Anakin frowned, "Obi-Wan didn't tell you?"

"I haven't seen him, that's why I called you."

"He must still be with the council," Anakin told her, "He had to debrief them on the Chancellor's rescue, and Ahsoka's plan."

"Her plan?"

Anakin went on to share with her Ahsoka's alliance with Bo-Katan. How they were traveling to Mandalore to free the people from the crime syndicates. He told her that the 501st had been split to provide Ahsoka with the forces she needed to stand a chance.

Lore-Val's mind started racing at the idea of her home being freed. One part of Lore-Val's mind told her war was the last thing Mandalore needed, another darker part reminded her that her mother needed to be avenged. That the people needed to be free from Maul's tyranny.

She paused hearing not one but two sets of feet in the living room.

"Anakin, I have to go. I think Obi-Wan just came in."

They quickly said their goodbyes and Lore-Val stuffed her holoprojector back in her pocket as she hurried to the living room, where Obi-Wan and Solitaire were talking quietly.

Obi-Wan held out a hand, motioning for her to slow down. He smiled at her, "Hello Lore-Val."

She stopped just short from hugging him, unsure if that would be uncomfortable, especially with Solitaire watching. She smiled up at him, "You saw Ahsoka?"

"You spoke to Anakin," Obi-Wan said dryly.

"Well someone wasn't answering my calls."

Obi-Wan looked guilty at the accusation, "Ah yes, you see my comm was pulled into space."

"Oh. Well I guess that's a good reason."

"I'll give you my new frequency once I replace it."

"Thank you."

"It's getting late," Obi-Wan said, "Solitaire, you're free to go back to the barracks for the night."

Solitaire nodded, happy to go catch up with his brothers, "What time is your debrief tomorrow?"


"I guess I'll come back before then," Solitaire said, "Goodnight Lore-Val, goodnight General."

"Goodnight!" Lore-Val called after him as he walked towards the door.

With it just the two of them Obi-Wan motioned for Lore-Val to sit on the couch, "Come, I'll tell you what I can."

AN: We're officially into ROTS! Two chapters left & then the epilogue. HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported this story! <3

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