12. Taken

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Trigger Warning: There's a fight scene between Solitaire and the bad guys, and Lore-Val is given sedative's via needle by bad guys. I'll leave a summary of the chapter down by my author's note incase that makes anyone uncomfortable. 

Solitaire felt his head bobbing. He had escorted Lore-Val to the office that morning before he was taken to the central security office. There he'd been introduced to a handful of security staff assigned to different students, or to the school as a whole. He'd spent the entire day watching monitors, tracing Lore-Val's steps and memorizing her schedule.

Apparently the screens were melting his brain. He had black spots floating across his vision. His thoughts were a slow jumble, he looked around and saw a few of the security officers had dropped to their work stations.

Something was wrong. He'd only been this exhausted once, in ARC training when they learned to recognize knockout gas.

Helmet he thought in a brief moment of clarity. He swept an arm across the desk, when his fingers touched the plastoid coating he pulled it to himself. He yanked the helmet over his head and took a deep breath of filtered air.

He swung a glance around the room, everyone was out cold. All of the monitors were rebooting, leaving the room in an eerie white glow. Solitaire stood from his chair, and began moving towards the office door. He nearly tripped over Rich, the head of security, on his way, but kept going. He made it out into the hall, sliding across the linoleum. His brain was still catching up with the situation as he did his best to remember where Lore-Val's class was.

Galactic history. Second floor. Room...214.

He bolted for the far stairwell. He ran up the stairs faster then he remembered ever running on the battlefield. He slammed into the hall and ran towards the classroom. He swung the door open and his eyes scanned over the children, all of them asleep from the green gas snaking around their ankles. Twenty four kids wearing the same uniform, none of them redheads.

Solitaire went back to the hallway, he had the wrong room. He did a brief sweep, making sure he was going to the right room this time. The hall was clear. He started forward, keeping his blaster at the ready. He was nearing the correct classroom when he felt a burning in the back of his left shoulder, making him stumble forward.

He spun around, and was met with another shot to the same shoulder. At the far end of the hall was a Mandolorian with gold markings on his armor. He shot Solitaire's wrist before the soldier could take his own shot.

Solitaire hissed, dropping his blaster in pain. The Mandalorian continued walking towards him, When he got close Solitaire screamed as he took a left handed swing at the man, stretching the burns in his shoulder. His arm didn't move the way he'd wanted and his opponent easily avoided the hit. The Mandalorian went to sweep out Solitaire's legs, but Solitaire jumped. He heard glass break from somewhere behind him, and his opponent grunted something, as if he was speaking to someone. A hard kick to the stomach sent Solitaire to the ground. Before he could get to his feet the Mandalorian stormed over and slammed his foot down on the clone's t-visor. There was a sickening crack as Solitaire fell unconscious.

. . .

Aul waited six minutes until he heard the signal to take off towards the window. When he got there everyone in the classroom was out cold. He cut a large hole in the glass and let himself into the room. He walked over to Lore-Val's desk, and scooped the girl up into his arms.

"Ready for pickup," he said into his comm, "Malthe, has the clone been taken care of?"

"Working on it."

Aul heard a scream from the hall, and a second later Malthe joined him in the classroom, calling in their get away. Devi pulled up to the hole in the window, so the others could climb out.

"What are you wearing?" Malthe asked, getting in the back of the speeder and taking Lore-Val's dead weight from Aul.

"You like it?" Devi asked, adjusting the poncho he wore over his armor,

Aul glared, taking off his helmet as he sat in the passenger seat, "You look ridiculous. This is Coruscant, not a farming community."

"Hey, you said to cover my armor and I did," Devi complained, speeding off into traffic.

"Switch lanes," Aul warned, pointing ahead, "You have to turn here or the camera on the next block will see us."

Devi nodded, making the right hand turn.

They were nearly twenty stories down when Lore-Val started to wake up. She was nauseous, and her eyes didn't want to adjust to the light. Once she adjusted, and saw a Mandalorian helmet beside her she was completely alert.

She sat up quickly, starting to scream, "Help!"

A hand clamped over her mouth. A snide voice whispering in her ear, "Quiet down princess. We can take you easy or in pieces, it's up to you."

She screamed harder, doing her best to bite down on the leather glove covering her mouth. She thrashed, and kicked, anything to get the attention of the other drivers. Her hand grasped onto a piece of fabric and she pulled hard.

Devi choked as the girl yanked on the back of his poncho. He twisted the wheel, trying to keep them centered but overcompensated, nearly swerving into the oncoming lane of traffic. Beside him Aul managed to pull the poncho off, letting it float off below them.

Devi cursed as he caught his breath, "I really liked that poncho."

"That's your concern?" Malthe snapped, still trying to restrain their hostage, "How about you worry less about your stupid poncho and focus on getting us to base before this kid attracts too much attention? Aul do we have a sedative?"

"It should be back there," Aul answered, twisting in his seat to help search the floor for the hypo. He found it and waited for Malthe to get the girl close enough that he could inject the sedative quickly into her neck.

Seconds later, she collapsed against Malthe's shoulder.

The three warriors breathed a sigh of relief.

"That should buy us enough time to get to the bar," Aul told the others, "You'd better be right about this being our in with Maul."

"It will be," Malthe promised, "Be patient. When we get back to Mandalore, this will all have been worth it."

AN: Sorry I'm not experienced in action sequences so I hope this was acceptable. We are in the midst of some major drama my friends so get used to the action and trauma. Shout out to my brother who gave me the bad guys' plans and helped write the action, he's not very nice but he can be quite helpful when it comes to this story lol Let me know if this trigger warning/summary system isn't great and needs fixes.

Summary: Solitaire notices the affects of the sleeping drugs and gets his helmet on to keep himself from being 100% affected. He runs up to Lore-Val's classroom and is shot 3x by a Mandalorian in the hall before being knocked unconscious. The Mandalorian and his two accomplices take Lore-Val. She comes to from the sleeping drugs on the ride to the Mandalorian's safe house, she manages to put up a fight, throwing a poncho from the car into traffic. They drug her and she drops back to sleep. The Mandalorians mention bringing her back to Maul on Mandalore.

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now