10. War Games

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Lore-Val followed Ahsoka through the armory, eyeing the blasters on the racks. At the back of the room Jesse and Fives were arguing over something. Tup was standing at Fives' side, he caught sight of the girls and waved them over.

"What's going on?" Ahsoka asked, making the clones pause.

"Trying to choose teams," Jesse told her, "This idiot is being greedy."

Fives shoved him, "I called dibs."

"Dibs on who?" Lore-Val asked.


"Me?" Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, "You know I'm one of the peaceful Mandalorians right? I'm probably not going to be the best help to your team."

"Not how dibs works" Fives told her, pressing a strange white blaster into her hand, "It'll only shoot stunblasts so you're all set. Just point and shoot."

Lore-Val smiled at him, taking the blaster.

"Great so what's the problem?" Ahsoka asked, grabbing a blaster for herself.

Jesse glared at his brother, "He also called dibs on you Commander."

"I told you, Lore-Val and Tup are the youngest here. If I have them on my team I should get to play with the bigger team."

"Wait," Lore-Val frowned, double checking the number of people in the room. There were five of them. With her and Tup on his team. Fives already had the bigger team, "What kind of math is that?"

"Flash math" Ahsoka snorted, "Some clones blink during a lesson and poof!" she wiggled her fingers in front of Fives' eyes, "It's gone."

"You wound me Commander," Fives told her with a pout.

"Actually Solitaire and Rex are coming," Tup said, "We'll have uneven teams."

"How'd you convince them to play?" Ahsoka asked with a laugh.

Fives shrugged, a sly smile on his face, "I have my ways."

"You still can't get the Mandalorian and the Jedi on your team Fives," Jesse told him with a glare, giving his brother a shove.

"The Mandalorian has never played," Fives reminded him, pushing back.

On the other end of the room the door beeped as it opened, and Rex came in, "What's taking so long? Solitaire and I finished setting up almost five minutes ago."

"Arguing over teams," Lore-Val told him, readjusting her awkward grip on the blaster. It felt too big in her hands, she wondered if real blasters felt this bulky.

"Solitaire and I already made the teams," Rex told them, "let's go."

. . .

Lore-Val ducked as the blue 'O' came at her. She looked back over the barricade in time to see Tup jumping behind his barricade across the training room.

She looked to her right and saw Ahsoka rolling behind a block. The Togruta shot her a thumbs up before bouncing to her feet and shooting across the room.

"Are we allowed to be doing this?" Lore-Val called to the padawan.

"Not exactly,"

Another 'O' went past Lore-Val's head. She got up on her knees and sent another stun blast back. She watched Tup get up and dash across the space between the two barricades. She sent off a few blasts, doing her best to track him. He was almost behind the barricade when he went down. A curse came up from the floor as Tup's unconscious body landed on his brother.

"Are you okay?" Lore-Val called.

"Good shot kid!" Fives called, shoving Tup off of himself, "You got him!"

A chorus of cheers came from the others.

Solitaire came and dropped beside Lore-Val, "You probably shouldn't tell the General about stun tag."

She nodded to him seriously, "I won't."

There was a thud behind them.

"Was that Rex?" Jessie shouted

Ahsoka yelled back the affirmative, sending a few shots back with her words.

Solitaire looked at Lore-Val again, "Don't tell Cody either."

She nodded and laughed, "Anything so that we can play this again."

"Stop hiding you sissys!" Fives shouted before being cut off by a shot from Ahsoka.

"Ready to surrender Jesse?" Solitaire called.

He was answered with a snort, "Maybe that's how the 212th does things but the 501st fights to the end."

Solitaire rolled his eyes, "Someone call a medic for when Jesse's fat head hits the floor."

Lore-Val smothered her laugh.

Solitaire looked at her and mouthed "Cover me," before jumping the barricade and running across the training room.

Lore-Val traded fire with Jesse. She was focusing on not hitting her own teammate when her vision was filled with a blue glow.

. . .

Lore-Val woke to a clone staring over her. It took her a second to focus her vision, "Kix?"

"Hey kid," he smiled, speaking softly, "How are you feeling?"

She took a moment to take stock of her body. Her fingers and toes felt like they were filled with static. But overall she felt pretty good for having taken a stun blast to the face.

"Did we win?" She asked him finally, getting up on her elbows.

Kix gave her a scowl, but there was no heat behind it. He turned away to grab a bottle of water for her, but was knocked aside before he got a chance.

Solitaire had come barreling over, shoving his brother so he could kneel beside Lore-Val. "Are you okay? I wasn't sure if you hit your head. Do you feel any rushing fluids?"

Kix rolled his eyes as he sat back up, "She's fine." He handed her the water and looked past her at someone, "She won't break if you come over here."

Jesse slowly came and sat next to her on the floor, ignoring the glare from Solitaire, "Sorry kid."

She shrugged, "That's the game isn't it?"

"Yeah but," Jesse trailed off, looking at Kix.

"You're too small to be playing with stuns," Kix told her, putting away his things, "No one here thought to adjust the shots for someone as light as you, so you've been out longer than usual."

"Sorry Lore-Val," Solitaire said sheepishly, "I should've known better than to get talked into this."

"But I'm fine," she said with a huff, "And Kix won't tell Obi-Wan. Will you Kix?"

"As long as I'm invited next time to make sure no one breaks the kid, sure I'll keep quiet," he closed the medkit, "We really do need to work on bulking you up though. You're too tall to be so thin."

She shrugged, "There's a war Kix. Supplies were low on Mandalore."

"We'll they're not low here!" Fives announced, marching over and placing a hand on her head, "Let's go get some ice cream."

AN: the next few chapters are being rewritten. I'm hoping that wont affect updates the next few weeks, but it all depends on work and other stuff. Comments and votes appreciated :)

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