35. MIA

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AN: I'd posted this chapter a week or 2 ago then realized it was in the wrong spot so I'm just fixing the timeline

"Wayii (good grief)," Solitaire sighed, "What would the Seppies want with a medic?"

"I don't know," Rex shrugged, "The general is in a meeting trying to figure that out."

Solitaire frowned at the holoprojector. Rex's sized down image flickered, the same frown on his face.

"You have to tell her," Rex said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Me?" Solitaire asked, "You have rank. Sir."

"She knows you better," Rex looked around, "I heard General Kenobi is returning to Coruscant to deal with Jedi responsibilities. You could always wait and have him tell her."

"Why didn't you lead with that?" Solitaire asked with an attempt at humor.

Rex smiled, rising to the bait, "Maybe I like watching you squirm, seeing as you're afraid of a teenager."

"I'm younger than her, I just know my place."

Rex snorted, "I have to go. Good luck vod (brother)."

"You too."

The holo closed and Solitaire was left alone in the darkened kitchen. He sighed. They were made to die, he'd told Lore-Val that plenty of times. Maybe it was being away from the front, or Lore-Val's influence but it was getting harder to accept that this was the fate of his brothers, and maybe one day himself.

He pocketed his holoprojector and walked back to his cot in the living room. He laid down, simply staring up at the ceiling. He needed to decide what he'd tell Lore-Val when she woke up.

. . .

"You're being weird," Lore-Val told Solitaire over breakfast.

Solitaire simply shrugged in response.

Lore-Val took a bite of her eggs, "That's what I'm talking about," she told him, pointing with her fork, "Since when do you just let me say semi rude things and not have a comeback? And you haven't said anything about training today even though yesterday you said there was some kind of surprise."

"Blaster training," Solitaire said dryly, "That's the surprise."

"Wizard. That still doesn't tell me why you're in such a mood though."

"Stop asking questions or you'll run laps instead of target practice."

Lore-Val frowned at him, "That sounds more like you."

. . .

Lore-Val watched Solitaire let off a salvo of shots at his target across the room. All landed as perfect headshots. She frowned, he never took shots that fast, he always went through the steps slowly, showing Lore-Val what he did.

"Are you sure you're ok?" she asked him, "You're being continuously weird."

"Stop asking questions and shoot."

Lore-Val put her blaster down on the counter in front of them, "What aren't you telling me? Something is clearly bothering you and apparently you hide things as well as the 501st boys lie."

The two stared at each other, neither wanting to blink first.

Solitaire clicked the safety of his blaster on and placed it on the counter. He sighed, putting his hands on his hips, "The general should be here by dinner time and he will tell you."

"Why can't you tell me now?" Lore-Val paused, a thought coming to her mind for the first time, "Is Anakin okay?"

"Both of the generals are fine."

"Tell me everyone is okay and I'll leave you alone, I'll wait for Obi-Wan to tell me. Otherwise I want to know now."

"I can't tell you that."

"Then who is it?"

"I'm not trained for this," Solitaire mumbled, looking down at his boots. He looked back at Lore-Val, grasping her shoulders "Kix was captured."

Lore-Val blinked at him, digesting his words, "Captured? You mean, he's not dead?"

"I don't know. Rex said he was there one minute and gone the next."

She shrugged out of his grasp, "Is anyone going after him?"

"I don't know. Lore-Val, no one knows anything right now," Solitaire watched her for a second, "Are you alright?"

Lore-Val nodded. She picked up her blaster, and clicked the safety off. She aimed at her target, then shook her head. She reset the safety and turned to Solitaire, "We need to do a remembrance."

AN: It's cannon that Kix survived the war after being taken by the Separatists. "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku" tells that story. I have mixed feelings since I really don't like the sequel era but I think the idea was good. I hope we get an answer in cannon how he was taken but here's my take on it.

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now