17. Safe Return

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AN: I went back and added to this chapter, so if you read chapter 17 before Saturday 3/12 you need to read from "When Solitaire left the barracks..." to the end of the chapter.

It was nearly midnight local time when Obi-Wan landed back on Coruscant. Anakin was waiting for him at the landing platform.

"Where is she?" Obi-Wan asked, descending the ramp. His men followed like worried ducklings behind him.

"She's at the Temple staying with Ahsoka," Anakin said, grabbing his friend's arm, "Obi-Wan she's alright."

Obi-Wan paused, muttering something about seeing it for himself, before he turned to his troops, "You've more than earned your rest. We'll debrief in the morning."

The group seemed slightly crestfallen, Cody was the only one to let out a clipped "Yes sir."

Anakin picked up on their resistance to leave and promised to bring Lore-Val by the barracks the next day.

"If she's up to it," Obi-Wan corrected before dismissing the men. He waited until the others had left to start towards the temple, "You led the interrogation?"

"Yes Master. They were going to take her back to Mandalore."

"Why would they want to do that?" Obi-Wan mumbled to himself.

"They were going to turn her over to Maul. Something about earning his approval."

Obi-Wan saw red.

"I took care of it," Anakin told him.

Obi-Wan nodded. He was sure Anakin had done things he couldn't have justified no matter how much he would have wanted to. For once he didn't feel the need to lecture his former Padawan.

"Thank you Anakin. Did Maul have a part in this?"

Anakin shook his head, "No, the leader, he died before he could be taken into custody, but it seemed he planned the whole thing. They didn't hurt her though, she's shaken up but okay."

Obi-Wan watched as Anakin squirmed slightly, clearly thinking through something.

"What is it Anakin?"

"Have you spoken to Solitaire?"


"Lore-Val is worried he'll be removed from his post."

Obi-Wan hummed, hand coming to rest on his chin, "I haven't made a decision yet."

"It wasn't his fault."

"I know," Obi-Wan sighed, "Anakin..."

The younger man put a hand on his shoulder, "Let's go see her."

. . .

Ahsoka stirred in her sleep as the door opened. Subconsciously she recognized the force signatures and cuddled back down into her blankets.

Obi-Wan left Anakin in the doorway and crossed to where Lore-Val was sleeping on a cot that had been brought in. She was lying on her side, her long hair hanging in her face, getting sucked into her mouth every time she breathed. Obi-Wan felt a smile tugging at his lips. He reached out to brush her hair behind her ear. As his hand brushed her skin he was overcome by gentle feelings through the force-warmth, safety, and an unnamed feeling that all manifested in a single word- buir (father).

He stepped back in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Anakin whispered.

Obi-Wan blinked, seemingly stunned, "Nothing," he backed out of the room, closing the door quietly.

. . .

When Solitaire left the barracks he was surprised to see Lore-Val and the general waiting for him in the hall. He stiffened to attention, "Sir,"

Obi-Wan shook his head, and nodded towards Lore-Val. The girl stepped forward, arms crossed. She craned her neck to look the clone in his eyes,

"You were MIA this morning."

He looked back at the general who simply smirked, not saying anything.

"I requested a change of assignment," Solitaire told her, stepping out of the doorway so his brothers could pass by.

"Well request denied!" Lore-Val told him, a frown on her face, "Why would you leave? I thought we were friends"

"Lore-Val," he sighed, "We are friends. But I failed my mission, I let you get taken."

"That's ridiculous. You got shot three times! You could have died."

"I should have been dead for you to have been taken."

Lore-Val turned to look at Obi-Wan aghast, "Do you hear this?" She spun back to Solitaire, "Well I'm not dead and I still want you as my guard."

Solitaire looked past her at Obi-Wan, "Sir..."

"Technically this isn't GAR business, I can't order you to do anything. This is completely up to you, Solitaire."

The man frowned, looking at the teenager. She was still watching him, the act of demanding had fallen and now she just looked desperate. But he'd never truly made a decision. How was he the one deciding on something this big? Did the general really trust him to make the right choice? In the end he let Lore-Val and the new emotion in his chest choose for him.

"I'll return to my post as Lady' Kryze's security sir."

Lore-Val grinned and threw her arms around the man, "Vor entye vod." (Thank you brother.)

AN: I could ramble on about the three adults in Lore-Val's life for hours. Obi-Wan is a mush and doesn't know it. Anakin straight up likes fighting people but will fight anyone that looks at his niece wrong. And Solitaire is one mess of a clone-man-child and I love him and all of the boys. So the Mando'a that Lore-Val says to Solitaire (Vor entye vod) means thank you brother but the direct translation is 'I accept a debt brother' and I think that fit really well. Later especially in the second book we'll see her trying to repay that debt.
Well we have officially finished the kidnapping arc. Congrats to all of us on getting through it. Next-baking :)

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