28. Revelations

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"Obi-Wan!" Padme called, her heels clicking as she rushed to catch up with the man.

He stopped to wait for her, "Good morning Senator. How are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm getting ready to visit Naboo for a few days."

Obi-Wan nodded, "I hope you're able to get some rest."

"I hope to. But I was actually wondering if Lore-Val could go with me. Of course if you have any leave you're welcome to come with us."

Obi-Wan rubbed at his beard, "I'm afraid I have work to do at the Temple. I'd hate to impose, but if Solitaire could go as well I'd be happy to send her along, if she wants to of course."

Padme nodded, "I'm sure Captain Typho would appreciate the extra security."

Further down the hall Mace Windu called for Obi-Wan.

"I'm sorry Padme, I have to meet with the Chancellor," he said, but he didn't turn away, "Thank you. Lore-Val... she hasn't taken Fives and Tup's deaths well, being away might help her."

Padme smiled, placing a hand on his forearm, "I know, it's been difficult for Anakin as well. They were good men."

"That they were."

.   .   .

Excitement made sleep nearly impossible. It had taken far too long for Lore-Val to fall asleep and now she kept waking up every few hours. She frowned at the ceiling of Padme's guest room before rolling over to check her chrono. It was still too early to start getting ready, so she pulled the blanket back over her shoulders to try going back to sleep.

She was starting to drift off when she heard voices out in the main room. She strained to hear who was talking. Maybe she was wrong and they were leaving before sunup.

"I wish I could go with you," a familiar man's voice said.

"Anakin," Padme sighed, "We knew this was how things would be."

"I know," the voice now confirmed to be Anakin agreed, "One day, after the war, we'll make this work in our favor."

"Have you spoken to Obi-Wan?"

"I tried. He said he wasn't in a position to give me advice. He said he was biased," he let out a quiet laugh, "It's ironic right? Obi-Wan telling me he's too attached to talk."

"Oh Ani. He's always been too attached. This is just the first time he's been so aware of it."

Lore-Val heard the ping of Anakin's com followed by a sigh.

"I have to go."

Lore-Val's breath caught at the quiet that followed. Are they kissing? Stars, what's happening!

"I love you," Padme whispered.

"I love you too. Let me know when you get there."

"I will. Be safe."

"Aren't I always?"

The door swooshed closed, ending the conversation. Lore-Val waited to hear Padme's footsteps disappearing into her room before she ducked under her blankets.

"Holy stars," she gasped, her mind racing.

Padme and Anakin are together. Obi-Wan doesn't know. Osik (crap) no one knows.

Yeah, there was no chance Lore-Val would be sleeping any time soon.

.   .   .

"Solitaire, can you help me close my bag?" Lore-Val asked, waving him into the guestroom.

Solitaire excused himself from speaking with Captain Typho to go help her.

"Why did you open this after we had such a hard time closing it yesterday?" Solitaire asked. He paused, looking at the bag sitting closed on the bed, "Looks like you got it closed."

"Shut the door, I have to tell you something."

He frowned but closed the door and came to stand beside where Lore-Val was nearly bouncing on the bed, "Are you having a seizure?" he asked.

"I have to tell you something! Last night Anakin was here and he told Padme he loved her!" Lore-Val said in a whispered shout.

"You didn't know they were together?"

"You did?"

"Everyone does."

Lore-Val blinked at him, "Does Obi-Wan know?"


"Then define everyone."

Solitaire rolled his eyes, "Can we talk about this later? Captain Typho wants us out of the system by noon. Just keep it between you and me."

"We're spending the weekend with Padme. How am I supposed to keep quiet?"

Solitaire shrugged. He grabbed Lore-Val's luggage and headed back for the door, "Come on, we're already running late."

.   .   .

Lore-Val sat in her seat aboard the transport pretending to read from her datapad. She was trying not to stare at Padme, but it was nearly impossible. Between glances up at the senator she was messaging Solitaire, trying to get answers out of him.

Does the 501st know?


How long have they been together?

Ask Padme.


Solitaire looked up from his datapad and gave Lore-Val an unimpressed glare.

Since when are you so nosy?

You're ridiculous.

You're a child.

Lore-Val stuck her tongue out at him. Solitaire raised an eyebrow, telling her she'd proved his point.

"Are you alright?" Padme asked.

Lore-Val snapped her eyes away from Solitaire, "Of course. Why do you ask?"

Padme looked between the girl and the clone, "Well you're arguing with Solitaire over something."

Solitaire chuckled, waiting to see how Lore-Val would try talking her way out of this.

"Well you see," Lore-Val started, speaking slowly, "It would seem... my good friend Solitaire ...forgot to pack..."

She was cut off by one of Padme's handmaidens coming to the woman's side, "Excuse me milady, but Representative Binks has called in. He's in a bit of a panic over something, and he isn't making any sense."

Padme sighed, standing up, "I'll try to calm him down," She offered Solitaire an apologetic smile, "You two can go back to your bickering."

Solitaire kept his laughter under control until Padme left the seating area, "You just...got...so lucky," he gasped out between his laughs.

Lore-Val felt her cheeks go warm. She ducked behind her datapad, refusing to meet Solitaire's gaze as he continued to laugh.

AN: Idk what it is about this chapter but I'm still not in love with it, though this third draft is definitely better than the first. Comments are majorly appreciated and help when I hit chapters like this that just don't like me.

I also wanted to thank everyone, you guys have gotten this story all the way to 2nd place in the Clone Troopers tag! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! <3

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now