6. Safety Measures

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Lore-Val pulled at the hem of her tunic. Obi-Wan looked down at the girl and smiled gently.

"You look nice," he told her.

Lore-Val looked up in surprise, "Oh, thank you. This is one of the outfits Padme brought over."

Obi-Wan nodded, "The senator has been quite a help. We will need to be sure we thank her properly."

The girl nodded. She looked at the lift's information panel, rather than at her father, "Padme was telling me about a school not too far from the senate building. It's supposed to have a good language program, and She believes I could be enrolled for the next term."

Obi-Wan stroked his beard, he'd almost forgotten the girl hadn't finished her studies. He'd meant to talk with the council about sending her with the younglings and Padawans for her classes.

"Mother had me privately tutored, but the school would allow me to test in. There's a test soon, and-" she stopped her rambling as the lift doors opened.

Standing in the hall was a clone with the 212's golden-orange armor, he held his helmet under one arm, and saluted with the other, "General."

"At ease Cody," Obi-Wan said, placing a hand on his daughter's shoulder as they stepped out of the lift, "Lore-Val, meet Commander Cody. Cody, my daughter."

"Ma'am," he greeted with a slight bow.

She smiled, returning the gesture, "A pleasure to meet you Commander. Thank you for your service."

The clone smiled at the girl before looking back to the general, "Sir, she's in good hands."

"Oh, I never doubted that," Obi-Wan said. Returning the smile, "I'm just sorry to impose on your leave time."

"Not at all sir."

With a nod Obi-Wan pressed the lift's call button, and stepped in, "Thank you Cody." and with that he disappeared behind the door.

Lore-Val and Cody both stood looking at the closed doors for a moment, before Cody cleared his throat, "Breakfast is being served in the mess. Have you eaten?" Cody asked, leading her down the hall.

She told him she had, and followed him to the cafeteria and through the food line. She could feel eyes watching her as she stood next to Cody while he got his breakfast. Everyone that caught her looking back gave her a genuine smile. When they got to the end of the line Cody offered her a cup of tea that she gladly accepted, happy to finally have something to do with her hands.

The two found an empty table and sat down. After a few minutes of quiet, a clone wearing just his blacks came over and set his tray next to Cody's as he took a seat.

"Commander. Lady Kryze," he smiled and held a hand out to her, "Name's Boil."

She reached across to him, "Lore-Val."

Boil looked to Cody, "Thought I'd warn the two of you, the 501st is planning an abduction."

"Of course they are," Cody said, rolling his eyes, "we have things to do today."

"The 501st?" Lore-Val asked.

"General Skywalker's men," Cody answered, "Have you met him?"

"Yes, he and Padawan Tano helped us move into our flat."

"Then you have an idea of what to expect," Boil said with a short laugh, "What are you doing today?"

Cody swallowed a bite of his eggs before speaking, "I'm taking Lady Kryze to meet her personal guard."

"Who'd she get?"


Boil snorted, "Oh he'll love that."

The Kenobi Saga Book One:The Clone WarsWhere stories live. Discover now