chapter 8

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hye babies~ sorry im late

how was your week? my final exam result will come out tomorrow and im nervous as heck, but im okay.

enjoy reading~

seonghwa rub his eyes sleepily trying to stay awake. today all of them decided to go to the beach for a walk and plays some games before the event tomorrow. the group chat already full with excitement (the one without jung hoon of course). seonghwa look at yunho that is sleeping next to him. he smile at yunho's cuteness. 

seonghwa goes to wash up and take a quick shower first before goes to wake yunho up. their company already paid for the hotel service with breakfast. "yuyu, wakes up." seonghwa shake the boy's body slightly. yunho whine as he doesnt want to be waken up.

"don wan" seonghwa smile and caress the boy's hair. "yuyu, we want to go to beach. we will meet gi and woo later. if yuyu dont want, its okay. we stay" the words beach, gi and woo wakes him up. yunho sit and trying his best to open his eyes.

"yuyu want to go, mama" the cute boy says. seonghwa chuckle and help yunho getting ready. its not easy since yunho half asleep, well, maybe quarter awake. he almost drink the toothpaste rinse water if seonghwa didnt watch him. 

anyway, they manage to be on time for the breakfast with other coworker. "im sorry im late" seonghwa apologize but it seems like the others didnt really care. they smile and invite both him and yunho to sit. 

after the breakfast end, jung hoon gives them a short briefing about how not to do anything inappropriate because they have children here. "last but not least, enjoy~" jung hoon says with a happy tone which makes the other workers feels excited. 

"oh, and remember, you need to sit according to the one you choose when we come here" he says last time before letting all of them gets inside the bus.  its still early in the morning so you can sees all the kids sleeping in seonghwa and hongjoong's arm. hongjoong ask jung hoon to take wooyoung with him since he already have mingi. 

of course the older didnt refuse since wooyoung is also his half blood family. they arrive at the beach 10 minutes later. its a very beautiful clean beach. since its still at the end of summer, they could feel the hotness of the sun touching their skin. 

all of them shows the face of joy.


"do you want ice-cream?" ask moonbyul, one of the woman coworker. yunho's eyes shows that he wants the ice-cream but he needs permission. moonbyul turn to seonghwa and smile. "hey seonghwa. can i bring your son to buy ice-cream? you can follow if you want" she says. seonghwa shake his head.

"you can bring him noona. i will stay to watch over wooyoung and mingi. yuyu, listen to noona okay?" seonghwa wants to give money to the senior but she refuse saying that she wants to treat yunho. seonghwa trust all the workers since they didnt seem to bring any harm to them. he let moonbyul and solar bring yunho to one of the ice-cream stall.

as he watch the sea, a small hands placed on his thigh. he look down and meet with mingi's eyes. "why gi?" he ask the small boy. mingi gives him an angelic smile. "mama, join gi and woo!" he says excitedly. seonghwa smile and follow the two boys. 

they are trying to build a sandcastle when yunho arrive with solar and moonbyul. "here, ice-cream for wooyoung and mingi too. we are going to swim. are you joining?" ask solar which seonghwa simply shake his head. 

you might be asking where hongjoong is and why his sons are with seonghwa.

well, that guy need to meet the event organizer for a sudden meeting held by them. so, this hongjoong guy ask seonghwa to takes care of his 'little monsters'. so here they are. seonghwa helps the kids to built the sandcastle and they laugh together. chan and seungmin that look at them smile. 

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