chapter 28

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hye babies~

im so sorry for the late update TT 

i hope you enjoy this chapter


seonghwa tries to calm his heartbeat but it seems to fail. he can feel his face burning and he bet that he is as red as tomato right now. 'is he drunk?' seonghwa thought to himself. 

"h..hyung... i.. i like you too... haha.... the kids like you too.... so-" his words get cuts off by hongjoong. "its not that kind of like, hwa" seonghwa gulp.

hongjoong turn seonghwa towards him which make seonghwa even more nervous. seonghwa put both his hands on hongjoong's chest as the older hold his waist. "h..hyung?" ask seonghwa. hongjoong look at seonghwa and smile. 

"its not the friendly kind of like, hwa. i like you for real. i like you as a man, hwa" that statement made seonghwa goes speechless. he is trying to process the fact that the man in front of him, kim hongjoong, likes him. 


"y... you like me?" ask seonghwa again. hongjoong smile and nod. "how- why- i-" seonghwa dont know how to respond to that. he is still too dumbstruck. Face as red as a tomato. "its okay, hwa. take your time. but mind you, im not a very patient man. so i hope i can get my answer soon" 

hongjoong says. he pat seonghwa's hair and kiss the younger forehead before leaving to his room. 

seonghwa becomes speechless as he tries to process what just happened. "he likes me.... joong likes me" seonghwa says as he touch the part where hongjoong pat and kissed him just now. 

seonghwa put his face in his palm as he screech excitedly. who wouldnt? your crush like you back, but of course seonghwa wont admit that he likes hongjoong too now. he will take his time to tell hongjoong his feelings.

what both hongjoong and seonghwa doesnt know is that, some cute puppy-like boy has been spying them since hongjoong goes into the kitchen. its unintentionally though because yunho actually wants to drink water but his eyes was blessed with the romantic confession from his papa to his mama.

come on, yunho is 7, almost 8 years old now. of course he knows that his papa confessing to his mama. 

"yuyu? what yuyu do?" ask a very small voice. san stand behind yunho, holding his big teddy bear as he tries to peek at what yunho seeing. yunho smile and hug san. 

"nothing, sannie. lets play princess with gi" yunho says as he lead san towards the playroom. the younger smile brightly and nod.


seonghwa bite his nails anxiously as he tries to calm himself down. he has been pacing back and forth trying to clear his mind. meanwhile, jongho looks at him curiously. seonghwa supposed to be sleeping now but his mind just can't stop thinking about the event earlier. 

it was so awkward especially during dinner. seonghwa usually talks with hongjoong about his day and asking the older about how his work, but today they didnt talk. hongjoong did try to talk with seonghwa, but seonghwa flinch everytime hongjoong open his mouth made the older stop trying to start any conversation.

seonghwa finally sits down on the bed, ruffling his hair. he look at jongho with messy hair and red face. "mama messed up, bubba" seonghwa whine as he bury his face into his pillow. jongho look at seonghwa, cant say anything since he is wearing a pacifier.

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