chapter 11

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Hye babies... Sorry for the late update


"seonghwa! come on! lets take a picture" yeonjun says excitedly. they are currently at the kq university for graduation. seonghwa smile and nod. they take a few pictures together. like they thought, taehyun gets the best student award that year and seonghwa cant help feeling proud.

as they take their pictures, seonghwa's parents come with yunho. yunho hug seonghwa and hand him a bouquet of flowers to congratulate him.

seonghwa's glade that the three of them manage to get into the dean list. after the graduation, the three family (taehyun's, beomgyu's and seonghwa's) decided that it will be great to celebrate together so all of them head to a restaurant to eat together.


seonghwa check his email again to see which company take him as a staff there. he submitted his resume to a few companies because he wasnt sure that kq will accept him or not. as he scroll through his email, he notice a draft email there. seonghwa feels scared to know which company that he forgot to submit the email to.

'please dont be kq' seonghwa pray. but luck wasnt on his side. the day he want to submit his resume to kq company, he forgot to click the sent button and of course the he already pass the submission date.

seonghwa rub his face in frustration. now he cant start his career at kq. this mean, he will never get to meet wooyoung and mingi again, or hongjoong again. seonghwa sigh. its his fault, he know that. he is too careless.

now, seonghwa can only hope that the other companies he applied to will accept him. he isnt the type to be picky in this but he really wants to work under kq. as seonghwa thoughts about his carelessness, someone text him.

mr kim

hey seonghwa

sorry to disturb you

can i ask you something?

yes, mr kim?

of course you can

go ahead

i notice that your
resume is not here


did someone makes
you upset here?

is it hongjoong?

no no

i swear its not

i actually forgot
to sent my resume to

thats why you didnt see
mine there

ouh i see

i still can accept yours

do you want to send

its okay, mr kim

even how bad i want to work
there, i also need to apply
like other candidate

its unfair to just simply
sent it to you

i will try again later mr kim

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