chapter 13

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hye babiesssss

author is back. i hope everyone is okay. i just finished my exam and currently having mid sem break. 

anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter. 

without further ado... enjoy~

"papa noooo.... woo no like that color..." wooyoung whining as he take the color that hongjoong hold. hongjoong flick wooyoung's forehead a little (dont worry, it doesnt hurt. hongjoong does it most of the time just to annoy the hell out of wooyoung) 

wooyoung whine as he rub his forehead. he turn to watch how mingi and yunho color their picture. mingi likes pink and bright color, so his paper looks cheerful. yunho's paper look a bit neat and the coloring based on what he know. 

we cant say the same with wooyoung. im not saying that he cant color... but let just say he prefer a purple colored leaves with blue branches and trunk :)

 wooyoung smile and says, "yuyu and gi color pretty." yunho turn to peek at wooyoung's paper and reply, "woo too" mingi agreeing with yunho. 

they are currently sitting in the living room as they let seonghwa rest until he feels better. hoongjoong has offered to bring him to the hospital but he refused. as hongjoong doesnt know what to do so he decided that he would let the kids play with each other. 

hongjoong look at the time and its currently time for lunch. no way he will be cooking. well, he can if he want to but author doesnt want anyone to die in this family. so hongjoong thinking of ordering some take out. 

'is it okay for hwa though?' he thoughts. he is okay with eating takes out, same goes with wooyoung and mingi. sometimes they do refuse to eat them but what can hongjoong do? he doesnt know how to cook.

hongjoong decided to ask seonghwa. as he open the latter's bedroom's door, he greeted by a sleeping seonghwa. seonghwa is hugging one of his toothless plushie with blanket covering almost all his body. he looks comfy, he looks..

"cute" hongjoong says. he doesnt want to wake he other but seonghwa really need to eat something for lunch and its almost time for him to eat his medicine. hongjoong try to wake seonghwa up only to be replied with a whining seonghwa. 

instead of waking up, seonghwa snuggle into his plushie even more. hongjoong try again. "hwa, wake up" he says. seonghwa whine again. "nooo... hwa sick... wanna sleep more" he mumble to hongjoong. hongjoong cant help but coo at seonghwa's cuteness. 

'he is cute when he is sick' he thoughts. "hwa, if you dont wake up now, i will kiss you" hongjoong says, half joking, half serious. upon hearing that, seonghwa immediately open his eyes and look at hongjoong. 

he pout. "im waking up. you... you dont need to k... to do that to me" he says. seonghwa's face is red which hongjoong thoughts its cute. hongjoong lean towards seonghwa as seonghwa back away from him. 

"do what?" hongjoong ask with a smirk. seonghwa's face redden even more, if possible. he cover his face with his plushie and try to push hongjoong away. "g.. go away hyung.. i dont want you... to get sick" he says. 

hongjoong chuckle and lean back to gives the other some space to breath. seonghwa pout before lightly coughing. hongjoong put his hand on top of seonghwa's forehead to check whether the fever has cool down. luckily, seonghwa isnt burning anymore, but his temperature still quite high. 

seonghwa drink some water beside his bed and look at hongjoong, asking with his eyes, 'why did you wake me up from my beauty sleep?'. hongjoong take out his phone, asking, "i want to order take out since you have fever and i dont want to risk anyone to die here. are you okay with it?" 

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