chapter 10

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hye babies~

im sorry for the late update.. enjoy~

seonghwa sigh once again. chan that comes back from making coffee look at seonghwa in confuse. "why?" he ask. "im sorry, what?" seonghwa turn to chan. chan shake his head. "why you keep sighing today? is it because tomorrow is your last day here?" chan ask as he put his coffee down. seonghwa look at chan with a teary eyes.

"chan..." seonghwa's face says it all. he is sad that he will no longer work here. seonghwa pout. chan pat seonghwa's hair. "why you sad? you can work here after you get your certificate. im sure you are more than qualified to work here" chan says, trying to comfort seonghwa. seonghwa still pouting.

seonghwa look at chan before looking at his notes. "i can apply, but it doesnt mean i will be accepted" he says. chan smile. "its okay. you can still contact me, right?" seonghwa nod. chan hug seonghwa. "there, there. no need to be sad." seonghwa gives chan a smile. chan chuckle and caress seonghwa's hair. 

"oh anyway, hongjoong want to meet you" chan says suddenly. seonghwa look at him, surprise. "hongjoong hyung? meet me?" seonghwa point his finger to himself. chan nod. "he told me to call you to his room. just go, he doesnt bite (well,, he does in real life but lets act like he doesnt) " chan inform. 

seonghwa thank his senior before rush to hongjoong's room. he knock and gets in after he hears come in. "yes, hyung?" seonghwa ask. hongjoong put down the paper he's been reading and look at seonghwa. "oh seonghwa. sit down. there's something i want to ask you" seonghwa swallow his own saliva and sits down infront of hongjoong. 

hongjoong takes out a few piece of paper. "why you look scared?" he ask. "sorry?" hongjoong smile at seonghwa that look panic. "why you look scared? im not going to scold you. your face looks like woo when i scold him" hongjoong chuckle. 

seonghwa pout. "of course im scared. you never call me. " he says. hongjoong shows seonghwa a design. "this is your design right?" hongjoong ask. seonghwa nod as he look at hongjoong. "well, your design does look interesting. me and my brother decided that since you submitted yours, we want to include yours for this month issues. is that okay?" hongjoong ask.

seonghwa's eyes sparkle in excited. "for real?!" he ask. hongjoong smile when he sees seonghwa's sparkling eyes. "yes. but we cant do it without your permission since you are just an intern. so, seonghwa. did you allow us to publish your design?" hongjoong ask. seonghwa nod eagerly.

"yes! thank you hyung" seonghwa says. hongjoong chuckle when he look at how excited seonghwa look. 'he looks like yunho' he thoughts. both of them discuss about the dress more because tomorrow is seonghwa's last day there and who wants to finish the design if not hongjoong or his brother, right?

as they talk, jung hoon enter hongjoong's room. "hey my little joongie- oh hi seonghwa" jung hoon greed seonghwa which seonghwa reply with a smile and bow a little. "what is it hyung?" hongjoong ask. "oh, jeongin told me that his parents ask him to pick his younger brother from airport. so, he ask me to gives him emergency leave" "which you gave. so, whats the problem, hyung?" hongjoong ask again. 

jung hoon gives hongjoong a sheepish smile. "can you pick both your son from the kindergarten? i need to go to namhee for.. an important meeting" jung hoon says. hongjoong look at his brother and sigh.

"fine, they are my sons anyway. thanks for the info. good luck for the meeting later hyung" hongjoong smile. after his brother gone, seonghwa look at hongjoong. "which kindergarten does your kids go?" he ask. "sparkling kindergarten. why?" 

seonghwa smile. "yunho goes to the same kindergarten. we can go together if you want" seonghwa offer. "really? thats a good idea. anyway, you can go back to your place. you dont have to worry about this design, i will ask my brother to help. so, lets meet later during lunch" seonghwa nod and goes back to his place.

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