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hye babies~

im sorry for the very late update. i was supposed to update this book on 6th april (cause thats my birthday) but i have a very important test that week so i decided to do what's more important. im so sorry

this is the epilogue, but i hope that my babies will enjoy this chapter


seonghwa has been pacing back and forth, biting his own finger as he wait anxiously. "seonghwa, you're going to ruin your already perfect make up if you keep pacing in front of us" yeonjun says as he put the soft pink lip balm on yunho's lip.

"there you go, yuyu. so pretty" yeonjun says with a smile. yunho smile widely as he look at his own reflection on the mirror. "thank you, junnie. junnie.. where is tyunnie?" ask yunho as he doesnt sees seonghwa's other friend.

"tyunnie with beomie. they are outside. does yuyu want to go with them or stay with mama here?" ask yeonjun. yunho look at the nervous seonghwa and then look at yeonjun back. "its okay, junnie. yuyu can stay here" he says, still with a smile plastered on his cute face.

yeonjun nod as he continue packing all the make up items inside his bags. "you want anyone to acompany you?" ask yeonjun. yunho thoughts for a while before make up his mind that he does need someone to accompany him and his mama here.

"can junnie call sannie, please?" ask yunho. yeonjun nod and ruffle yunho's soft hair. "im calling your other child to accompany you here. as i go, please try to calm down a bit, hwa. you look pale" yeonjun says before he goes out from the room.

seonghwa take a deep breath before sitting next to yunho. "mama okay?" ask yunho. seonghwa smiles at yunho and nod. suddenly he hears another sweet voice coming from the door. "mama, no good lying" san says, pouting as he comes in.

seonghwa chuckle as he let san sit on his lap. "you're right, sannie. its not good to lie. mama sorry, okay? yuyu, mama not okay. mama is so nervous right now" seonghwa says. yunho takes one of seonghwa's hand while san takes the other. "mama kiss our hands and head when we scared to take exam" yunho says before placing soft kiss on seonghwa's hand.

"or when sannie scared to go school" san placing his kiss next. the action make seonghwa's heart melt as he watch two of his kids does the sweet action. seonghwa caress both kids' hair softly.

"thank you yuyu, sannie. mama feels better now" seonghwa says. as the three of them talk a little, the heard knocking on the door. "come in" seonghwa says.

a man comes in. "park seonghwa?" ask the guy. seonghwa nod, holding both yunho and san's hands protectively. he is traumatised with what happened as he cant let his kids got taken away. the man chuckle looking at the protective seonghwa.

"i mean no harm park seonghwa. i already talked with your future husband if that makes you feels better." seonghwa calms down. if hongjoong allows that man to come here, that means this guy is no harm to him or hongjoong or their kids.

seonghwa ask the guy to sit on one of the chair available there, which he did. "you might feels shock and scared with what i want to say but trust me i mean no harm to any of you." he says. seonghwa take a deep breath before he allows the guy to continue.

"im wooyoung's father. his biological father"


hongjoong smiles widely as he sees seonghwa walking down the altar with yunho on his side and his appa on the other side. seonghwa looks stunning, he always is, but today, seonghwa's face glows brighter. "stop looking at him like that, hyung. you might scared him" soobin whisper in his ear which make hongjoong rolls his eyes.

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