chapter 15

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hye babies~ 

sorry for the late update...

enjoy ~

seonghwa has arrived infront of the address given by hongjoong but he still didnt get out from his car. he cant believe his own eyes. "big! papa's house big!" yunho exclaim excitedly as he bounce on his seat. yeosang also look excited as the baby clap his tiny hands.

suddenly, seonghwa's phone ring. he answer the phone immediately. "yes hyung?" "are you coming or you need me to lift you in bridal style?" hongjoong ask, making seonghwa blush. "i.. i can come in myself. stop teasing hyung!" seonghwa whine before he end the call, hearing hongjoong attractive giggle before the call end.

seonghwa inhale deeply before he goes out. he undo yunho's seatbelt and ask the little kids to hold his left hand as the other hand he needs to hold yeosang. seonghwa takes another deep breath before walks inside the big house.

as he enter the front door, he could see wooyoung and mingi are playing together. seonghwa smile at the sight. seeing no hongjoong, seonghwa assumed that hongjoong saw him from his bedroom on the second floor.

hearing someone comes in, mingi turn to meet with seonghwa's and yunho's figure. he quickly tap wooyoung's shoulder to catch the other's attention. "whattt? woo play with maltese" wooyoung whine as mingi disturb his playtime with that green (white) horse but still turn to what mingi ask him to.

both of the kids scream in excited and run towards seonghwa and yunho. because of the scream, yeosang woke up and cry. which of course, causing all the people inside the house went silent. they look at seonghwa in confuse.

"seonghwa?" seonghwa look at hongjoong that just come down. "who is that?" ask hongjoong.


the kitchen is silent. only the sound of seonghwa's cooking and the soup boiling can be heard. hongjoong been looking at seonghwa the whole time and seonghwa swear if he continue for a little longer, he could faint.

"can you stop?" ask seonghwa without turning his back. he try his best to concentrate on his cooking. "no" hongjoong simply answer. seonghwa sigh and close the gas. he turn and sit infront of the older.

seonghwa steal a glance towards baby yeosang that's on his stomach, looking at the 3 kids excitedly. yeosang will sometime babbling and giggle. then, he look back at hongjoong.

"this is what i want to tell you" seonghwa start. "that you already have a baby? that you're not getting married but you get someone pregnant and now you dont know what to do?" hongjoong shoot his questions.

seonghwa shake his head. "what? hyung , no! listen first okay?" hongjoong sigh and nod. he lean back, signing for seonghwa to continue.

"well.. that baby... is not mine. of course i didnt kidnapped him. that baby, belong to the heir of jyp company" seonghwa explain. hongjoong lift one of his eyebrow and lean to the front again. "mind to explain more?" ask hongjoong.

seonghwa bite his lips and try to find the most suitable words to explain the whole situation without actually exposing the culprit (damn, that sounded like a criminal)

"stop biting your lips hwa. its okay if you dont want to explain. im not forcing you to." hongjoong says as his finger goes to pull seonghwa's bottom lips that been abused by seonghwa to hide his nervousness.

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