chapter 27

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hye babies~

its been so long wasnt it? i will try my best to update as much as i can but for now, i hope you enjoy this chapter. sorry if this chapter is not as good as it was supposed to be because honestly, this chapter is very hard to write for me.

anyway, enjoy~

"as i was saying, your honor, park seonghwa doesnt have any legal information about yeosang and we could say that he kidnapped yeosang from kang min ah"

"but your honor, even if they did have the proof about kim jung hoon asking park seonghwa to takes care of kang yeosang, kim jung hoon just asked park seonghwa to babysit kang yeosang. its a job, so park seonghwa needs to give kang yeosang back to them if needed"

"its obvious that park seonghwa purposely ignore all my client's, kim jung hoon and kang min ah, email about wanting kang yeosang back"

seonghwa's hands turn sweaty as he cant even deny a single statement from the lawyer hired by jung hoon. glad that they have hueningkai as their lawyer.

"your honor, i admit that kang min ah is the legal guardian, mother, of kang yeosang. however, she never have done anything that could be call as mother to kang yeosang"

"about the email, your honor, i can say that they threatened my client and not trying to take yeosang back in a soft way."

"imagine, if kang yeosang was taken care by kang min ah and kim jung hoon, will the baby still be alive or at least healthy as he is right now? me personally think thats impossible"

after almost an hour of arguing, seonghwa seem panic again. because the other side, jung hoon and min ah's side seem to be winning this case. the judge seem to agree with the statement, 'park seonghwa isnt a legal gurdian of kang yeosang' and 'park seonghwa was supposed to be babysit kang yeosang only'

"the court will take a 20 minutes break before we continue this case" the judge announce. seonghwa looks at hongjoong on his right. hongjoong looks back and smile. he takes seonghwa's hands inside his.

"are you scared, hwa?" ask hongjoong. seonghwa nod, head hanging low. hongjoong open his arm and seonghwa immediately goes in. a warm hug is exactly what seonghwa needs the most right now. he needs comfort so he can forget all these negative thoughts. 

as they hug and comfort each other, hueningkai stands up and goes out. he walks towards his car and drive to somewhere.


the 20 minutes break almost over but they havent see hueningkai yet. seonghwa and hongjoong is worried. they did trust hueningkai but they afraid they the lawyer wont make it in time from wherever he went to.

"the break almost over, may i know where is lawyer kai kamal huening?" ask the judge. "im sorry your honor, we tried contacting him but it goes straight to mail box. if possible, i want to ask for an extend time until our lawyer arrive" hongjoong says calmly.

the judge looks at the surrounding before she looks at her watch. "im giving your lawyer 15 minutes to come. if mr kai kamal huening didnt appear in 15 minutes, i will consider that kang min ah's side win this case."

hongjoong smile and bow a little. "thank you, your honor" 

seonghwa fidget with his own fingers. "where is he?" he ask. "i didnt know, but he said something about the last witness for our side. i know hueningkai is younger than us, but i trust him. so, can i ask you to trust me for the last time, hwa?" ask hongjoong as he hold seonghwa's hand.

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