chapter 26

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hye babies~

i know im supposed to be on hiatus but i just had to post something because its our baby bear birthday!!

i know im supposed to be on hiatus but i just had to post something because its our baby bear birthday!!

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(he is so cute T-T)

im dying while editing this, covid's headache is just another level of shit.

anyway, i hope all of you enjoy this chapter


"miss me, our sweet park seonghwa?" ask him. seonghwa gulp as he walks backwards. 'how come he found me?' seonghwa thought. "senior... young hwan..." seonghwa says. he cant hide how panic he is. 

young hwan smirk and chuckle. "you must be curious on why am i here right? let me give you a clue. my name is kang young hwan. and i happen to know someone named.... kang yeosang" young hwan answer make seonghwa gasp.

he cant be.... right? "you are... yeosang.." young hwan laugh. "so you are not that dumb at all. yup, i am kang yeosang's uncle" seonghwa gulp. he can guess what young hwan, that guy must be after yeosang too.

without seonghwa's consent, young hwan grab his hand and drag him towards hongjoong's office with a force. "hey, let me go!" seonghwa tries to let his hand go but the older's strength is obviously larger than his strength. anyone that tries to help seonghwa cancel their intention when they sees how young hwan sees them.

he looks like he is willing to kill anyone that tries to stop him.

they arrives in front of hongjoong's office and young hwan goes in without knocking at the door first. "i bring him, hyung" young hwan drag seonghwa before he push seonghwa to hongjoong's side, luckily hongjoong catch seonghwa before he kiss the floor. jung hoon smile and nod.

"im not that bad, hwa, joong. i wont do this if both of you hands in yeosang at the first place. but because you decided to ignore my email and refuse to give yeosang to us, i had to file a sue on both of you, because you kidnapped kang yeosang." jung hoon says.

seonghwa gasp and tries to argue but he was stopped by hongjoong. seonghwa looks at hongjoong, face completely confuse. hongjoong shake his head before he turns to look at jung hoon. "are you sure you can win this case?" ask hongjoong.

jung hoon smirk. "of course. seonghwa doesnt even have any legal information of yeosang. his job is to takes care of yeosang and not making yeosang as if his own son" jung hoon says. seonghwa keep his head down. 

"we'll see you guys at the court two weeks from now. make sure to hire a nice lawyer so you can lower your sentence, park seonghwa. you too , kim hongjoong" young hwan says before both of them walk out of the office. 

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