chapter 16

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hyeeeee i already finished my foundation life (finally). now im just going to wait for any offer from some university before continuing my degree or bachelor. i actually got one right after my physics paper finished, which is bachelor in nursing. just an interview tho. anyway, still deciding.

anyway, stop with me. lets continue,, enjoy~

its almost 7.30 in the morning and here seonghwa is rushing in getting both him and yunho ready. hongjoong already gives their cloth to wear last night so that already lessen their rush. "yuyu, you done? lets go down" seonghwa says as he lift yeosang in his arm. 

he doesnt need to prepare yeosang since that baby wont be up until 10. seonghwa need to hurry if he wants to arrive in time at his work place. he still needs to send yeosang to his parents' house.

seonghwa thinking of preparing some simple breakfast for him and also hongjoong and the kids. "french toast with sunny side eggs and bacon will be good" seonghwa thoughts

he put yeosang in the baby cribs (still in the living room) and ask yunho to wake hongjoong, wooyoung and mingi. he goes to the kitchen and hope hongjoong have all the ingredients needed for him to prepare the breakfast.


yunho open the door with both hands and tip toe. he walks inside to see hongjoong sleeping without wearing a shirt, wooyoung sleeping with legs on hongjoong and hands on mingi and mingi almost falls down the bed.

"mama never sleep like papa. its cold, why papa no shirt?" yunho tilt his head in confusion. but he still walk towards the bed and goes straight to hongjoong side. yunho touch hongjoong's arm with both hands and shake it slowly.

"papa~ mama says wakey wakey" yunho says. however, hongjoong just hum and proceed to close his eyes. "papaaaaaa!! wake upppp" yunho whine. as he sees that hongjoong wont wake up, he puffed his cheek in annoyance. 

yunho climb the bed and onto hongjoong. he still puffing his cheek. as he sit on hongjoong's chest, he put both his hands on hongjoong's cheek. "PAPA!!!!" he scream as he he hit hongjoong's cheek (dont worry, he's a kids so it wont hurt) 

hongjoong finally wake up and almost curse but he smile as he sees yunho, still with redden puff cheek and pout. (for those who doesnt know, yunho have natural blush when he woke up and he is so damn cute im gonna die )

hongjoong rub his eyes and smile at the cute little boy. "good morning, yuyu" hongjoong says. the pout on yunho's face changed to a cute smiley face. "morning papa! mama make breakfast. mama says wakey papa, gi and woo" yunho says with excited eyes.

hongjoong caress yunho's hair. 'he looks like puppy' hongjoong thought. hongjoong ask yunho to wake the kids while he goes to the bathroom first.


after around half an hour, they are ready to go. seonghwa tie wooyoung hair as he wait for mingi and yunho that go to take their bags. wooyoung sit patiently and swing his tiny legs while humming to a song that seonghwa taught him before.

"done. look woo" seonghwa show the mirror on how wooyoung look. wooyoung smile and look at seonghwa with excited eyes. "mama, woo pretty" wooyoung says. seonghwa nod and pat wooyoung's hair gently. not long after, mingi arrive with yunho. 

hongjoong look up from his phone. "done?" ask him. seonghwa nod. hongjoong look at wooyoung and notice the hair style that he sure made by seonghwa. "woo's hair is long already. i want to cut his hair" the statement made seonghwa pout.

"noooo. hyung, cant we keep his hair long like this?" ask seonghwa with a pout. hongjoong cant resist the cute expression. he thought for a while. "but i dont know how to tie his hair" he says. seonghwa smile. "its okay hyung. teacher jisung knows how to" seonghwa says.

hongjoong sigh in defeat. "fine. but i will cut his hair when its too long, okay?" ask hongjoong. seonghwa happily nod and smile. after hongjoong locked his house, they goes to their own place.


dae hyeon nudge yohan and jung seo as they look at seonghwa. seonghwa look different with a bigger outfit and different perfume. the three of them can easily detected the difference since they've been friends long enough.

yohan finally decided to ask seonghwa. he walks to seonghwa's table and put a cup of coffee for seongwa. seonghwa look up and smile. "thank you yohan. anyway, good morning." seonghwa says with a shining happy face. 

the three of them swear they can see the light coming from seonghwa's face. "so... our gorgeous park seonghwa. mind to tell me, who's suit is that. since i doesnt recall seeing you wearing that type of suit. and what's with the different scent today, hrmm?" ask yohan, he sip the tea gracefully as he lift one of his eyebrow.

seonghwa look at him. "d... does the cologne smell that obvious?" ask seonghwa. yohan nod. seonghwa look at dae hyeon and jung seo for confirmation and the two simply nod. seonghwa blush. "well, you usually smell like kids instead of male cologne, seonghwa" dae hyeon says. 

seonghwa try to think of any reasonable excuses. "i.. i crash at my friends' place last night because he asked for help. he lend me his shirt and cologne. that's why." seonghwa says. that's true tho. just the helping part. seonghwa's the one that ask for help.

the other three doesnt fully believe him but they let it slide. "i thought seonghwa have a boyfriend" jung seo says with a pout. he really wants to know who the person that gives seonghwa that bracelet.


"why do we need to do winter design again, hyung?" ask hongjoong. they already done the winter collection last month. they usually do a different theme every month. however, jung hoon wants them to do winter theme again this month which make hongjoong feels suspicious

jung hoon put the file he currently reading to focus on his brother. "just, just do whatever i say okay?" jung hoon says. hongjoong sigh and nod. he sometime cant understand his own brother. hongjoong ask permission to go back to his place.

as he sits on his place, he quickly calls hyunjin. "yes, sir?" hyunjin ask. "tell the others that this month we will be doing another winter collection" hongjoong says. hyunjin look at him in disbelief. "what?! we already done that last month. why we-" hongjoong cut his words.

"its okay, mr hwang. just do it. its the order from jung hoon. i will extend the due. you can go now" hyunjin cant say anything and sigh. "okay mr kim. i will go tell the other" 

hongjoong cant help but feels like his brother acting weird these few days. he become more distance from him and the kids. he also never come to him unless he have work related with hongjoong.

"why, jung hoon hyung?" 

jjang! what do you think jung hoon hiding from hongjoong? 

anyway, i hope this chapter is okay. i actually already half way (hopefully) from the story that i  thought of. im really hoping that i can write the storyline clearly and my readers can understand it. 

im sorry this chapter is short, i will try to write longer chapter for you TT

thats all from me, see you next chapter~

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