Chapter 3: Piper

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As I walk into the new studio, my breath is taken away. It's so beautiful. I can see Amy's face beside me, and she looks just as entranced as I am. As more people start filtering in, the studio is filled with oooohs and aaaahs. "It's amazing, isn't it?" I say to Amy. I get no reply. I follow her gaze over to the doorway, where LaTroy and Sloane are talking. I don't think Amy can stop herself watching, even though it's hurting her. She finally turns away as LaTroy leans in to kiss Sloane. "Are you ok?" I ask Amy. "Yeah, I'm fine" she brushes me off. I know she's not fine, but I also know she's not going to admit it. The break up hit her hard. And it destroyed the 0% Club. She couldn't bring herself to speak to Sloane again and she left. It ended up falling apart anyway. Cassie moved to California, and Sloane decided to be an assistant to Luther Brown.

But me and Amy are still here, even if there's no 0% anymore, and I know this year's our year. I know we're going to win regionals. We have to. I can't take another loss. Everyone's just standing around, talking. Noah and Richelle are standing next to each other, inseparable as always. They're talking to Skylar and Henry, although Noah keeps glancing over to the door as if he's waiting for someone. A minute later, a dark haired girl walks in the door and Noah goes over to greet her. Skylar says something as he hugs her, but neither Henry of Richelle seems to find it funny as both of them make their way over to me and Amy. "What was that about?" I ask, nodding my head in Skylar's direction. "Just Skylar being Skylar" Richelle said, rolling her eyes. Henry was silent - he kept glancing over at Noah and the other girl. Amy seems to notice this as well. "And Noah?" she asks. Although she doesn't say it, it's obvious what she's asking. I mean, I want to know too - I've never seen this girl and suddenly she's Noah's best friend? "Her name's Jacquie. Noah met her at a ballet workshop a couple of weeks ago" Richelle explained. "Are you sure they're just ... acquaintances?" Amy asked uncertainly. Richelle frowns. "I get it Amy. Yes me and Noah are still together, no he's not dating Jacquie. They're just friends." Amy purses her lips in disbelief but drops it. I don't blame her. It's obvious Richelle is done with the conversation. We all stand awkwardly in silence. Well, me and Amy do. I don't think Richelle believes in being awkward - she just looks calm and controlled, like always. And Henry is clearly distracted, now just openly staring at Noah and Jacquie.

My foot starts tapping and I just want the auditions to start. Glancing at Amy, I know she feels the same. I'm so nervous and I just want to start dancing. I can't lose my place on the team, and the longer I have to wait, the more I overthink my chances.

I hear applause and a wave of relief begins to wash over me. The auditions will start soon.

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