Chapter 16: Kingston

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Rehearsals are awkward for several reasons. I'm behind everyone else when it comes to dancing. I've improved loads, but it's hard. I'm lacking years of experience, but I'm going to catch up. I'm not being a second place dancer on this team. I may not have top spot yet but I'm going to.

Another reason for awkwardness is the obvious flirting Noah and Jacquie are participating in. They used to be subtle about it, well they tried to, but now they seem to be past a point of caring. They flirt while Richelle glares at them furiously and the rest of us stand around awkwardly.

Besides that, rehearsals go well. Which is really a way of saying they don't, because nothing else really happens. Today's rehearsal is no different, and like usual I'm glad to leave. I much prefer my privates with West - they're more fun and we get more done.

"Hey bro" Ozzy comes up behind me. "Wanna grab a juice?" "Sure" I grin. We make our way down to Neutral Grounds. They mainly do coffee but they do have a limited selection of juices to choose from. As we're sitting down, Richelle walks in. Ozzy's staring at her like a lovesick puppy and I remember him saying he had a small crush on her. Now I'm wondering if that's the full truth. As she's ordering he turns back to me. "Do you mind if I ask her to sit with us? Just she's had a hard week, well dance season really, and..." "No worries" I cut him off. "Great" he smiles. "I'll be right back." He jumps up and walks over to Richelle. They talk for a minute and she even laughs, despite her probable mood. If she wasn't so head over heels in love with Noah, I'd say Ozzy had a chance. But even when it's obvious Noah likes Jacquie, she puts up with it. Doesn't confront him about it, just continues on glaring until he whispers something to her and then she's smiling for the rest of the day. Her and Noah's relationship is unhealthy for too many reasons but I don't think there's anything any of us can do about it except let it run it's course.

Ozzy sits back down, but without Richelle. "Thanks" he says. He looks less cheerful than he did earlier and I'm not sure why. "Is everything ok?" I ask. "No" Ozzy scowls. "It's Noah. He keeps flirting with Jacquie and he doesn't even care about Richelle ans Richelle's hurting so much, but she still won't do anything about it." "Yeah, well there's no point in us worrying about it" I say. "There's nothing we can do except hope it sorts itself out." Ozzy rolls his eyes at this but doesn't say anything else, indicating he knows I'm right. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes before Henry comes bounding over and sits down beside us. "Can I talk to you guys?" he says. "Sure" Ozzy says, while I shrug. "I think I like Amy." Ozzy spits out his drink in shock but honestly, I'm not surprised. They spend so much time together and the way he looks at her makes his feelings really obvious. "Do you think I should ask her out?" Henry asks nervously. "I mean, I want to, I'd just like more opinions." "Definitely" Ozzy says, nodding his head. "If you like her, go for it." "I don't know" I say slowly. "I think you like each other, but wasn't she really upset after what happened with LaTroy? She might need more time. Plus, are you sure you're over Jacquie? I think you and Amy would be a good couple but I don't think it's a good idea to rush things and risk ruining a really good relationship." Ozzy looks a bit stunned by my words but Henry's nodding thoughtfully. "Yeah, maybe I'll stick to just being her friend for now." "You know what you should do?" Ozzy exclaims suddenly. "What?" Henry asks. "Double date. Like you're the two friends and you each bring someone the other can date. That way you can both get over your exes together and spend more time with each other." "That seems like a bad idea" I say at the same time as Henry says "I love it!" "Ok, so let's start planning" Ozzy grins, ignoring me. I sigh. This is not going to end well. 

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