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University's field,

"Hey, Drei. Felix will having a welcome party later for those freshmen. Wanna come?" he was startled when Rowen, his senior, draped his arm unto his shoulder.

"U—Uh, n—no thank you." he shyly said while gripping onto his bag.

Why is he talking t-to me?

"Oh, come on Drei! You really can't have friends if you keep on being like this."

But.. I have friends.. no, I have a friend. I have Vrix.

Louis Andrei just smiled at the guy making him choke at the beauty of this boy.

Shit. Is he really a he?! Said Rowen at the back of his mind.

"Back off, you slút!" a familiar guy slapped Rowen's hand off Andrei's shoulder.

This made Andrei feel safe at the sudden appearance of his best buddy. Vrix Reynolds.

"Tsk! Loser!" Vrix just rolled his eyes when he saw how Rowen ran as if he's being chased by a goddamn police.

"Don't ever show me again your face!" this made the boy giggle, thinking that this is their way of bonding or joking.

But it isn't. For they really meant it in the first place. They hate each other.

"Ohh, the princess is laughing. Why is that, precious?" Vrix playfully glare at the boy who stopped from giggling.

Looking at Vrix with big eyes, he started running knowing that his best buddy will gonna chase after and tickle him.

"Come back here, precious!"

"Noo! You will not gonna get me, blee!" he sticked out his tongue that made Vrix laughed.

While others can't help but enjoy and laugh at the sight of their most beautiful, innocent, and cutest Louis Andrei being chased by Vrix, the university's gangster.

At the University's back entrance,

Hehe, I'm sure Vrix will not gonna find me here.

He keeps on hiding at the back of the trashbin. It's 6pm and it's already dark.

After 5 minutes and there was still no sign of Vrix, Andrei finally gets out of his hiding place.

Thinking that Vrix already left him alone in the university, he sighed.

Hmp, what a bad friend!

Bad Vrix! Bad Vrix! I'm gonna tell him to auntie— oh.. but if I tell auntie that he's being bad, he will get a smack on his butt.

That surely hurts. I don't want to hurt Vrix..

But still he is bad! Hmp!

He keeps on ranting inside his mind when he suddenly got goosebumps.

"Don't move or else.." a flash of fear was seen on his face.

He immediately stopped from moving and gripped on his bag strap tight. Silently praying.

"Turn around." he turned around and the word afraid isn't enough to describe what he's feeling.

He clearly saw a man in black suit, whose triple as his body, pointing a gun towards his direction.

W—Why is he pointing a gun on me?! I—I am not a bad person! Vrix is!

Because of fear and a sudden attack of anxiety, Andrei started to cry that made the guy, whose like a gym instructor, gulped.

Boss doesn't want him to cry.. Shit.

A pale and shaking 20 year old boy can't stop himself from crying. He was holding onto the lamp post that's behind his back.

"Ahh, Louis Andrei.. we met again." a 35 year old man stood in front of him making him took a few steps back.

H—Huh? Isn't this Mr. Goody Man?

"Remember what I have told you before? If I see you again, you will be mine." Louis Andrei shakes in fear as he was intimidated by this man.

Why does Mr. Goody Man with bad people?

For some reason, he cried like a 4 year old kid.

I.. I wanna go home!

"Oh no, no, no. My ace, don't stain that beauty of yours." he can't stop from crying especially when he felt the hand of the man gently caressing his cheek.

"I will get whatever I want once I sold you out."

Sold? I—Is he going to sell me? But I'm not an object!

"Mr. G—Goody Man, I want to go home. M—Mom needs me.." he flinched when he saw the guns of the men behind the man he was talking to.

"Oh, no. You're not going home. You're coming with me."

Before he can even scream in disagreement, someone hit his head making him fall limp on the ground.

"Louis Andrei Kim, a fresh and sexy 20 year old boy. Smooth and pale skin, also you can't get over by his feminine features that any one of you desires!"

W—Where am I?

"The bidding starts with 1 million dollars!"

As Louis opened his eyes, confusion and fear flashed on his face. He was tied up on a chair he was sitting on.

"300million dollars! He's mine!

"600million dollars. Get his ass here!"

W—Why are they screaming about money? Are they successful business men?


He jumps in shock when he heard a loud gunshot. Everyone stopped and didn't think twice to bow their heads as they saw who's coming.

A man, whose in his nearly 30's walked on the stage with much authority. Head held up high.

He's staring at me.

Louis Andrei started to drool when he clearly saw the man's face.

Those black silky hair that reached his shoulders, sharp jaw, thick eyebrows, and green orbs that makes him want to touch it.

But those drooling moment was changed into shock when that man pointed his gun to the announcer.

"I will fvcking give 1billion dollars, just give me back what's mine."

What's his?

His Significant Other
by dead_paradoxcs
Plagiarism is a no-no word.

Thank you for reading!

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