Significant 13| The Card

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Chapter 13: The Card

Andrei's PoV

"Where are you going, sunshine?" I stopped from checking the insides of my school bag and turn to look at him.

"I'm going back to school! I miss listening to our professors, though not Mr. Rico because he's always shouting. Anddd I miss my best friend!" I turn back to grab my bag and that's when I heard a growl.

Raising my brows, I look around and find nothing. I just shrug it off and goes to get out from Damien's room.

He followed me though, and it's weird because I can feel his anger and jealousy. He's not talking and just quietly walk me out until we reach their kitchen.

I bit my lower lip and run quickly for the fridge when I saw Joshua eyeing it. He's running from the back door though and our body clashed once we reached the fridge.

I was on top of him while he's ranting about my weight. I just giggle and stick my tongue out, not liking to stand up.

"Ugh, get off! I came here first! I deserve the sweets!" he scream and tried to get me off him playfully.

I just shake my head and put some more weight, if that's possible, on his body. Making him scream more.

"No! I am going back to school so I should have the sweets!" I answer back and giggle when he scrunched up his nose and pinched both of my cheek.

We were giggling and screaming playfully at each other who deserved to have the giant bar of chocolate in the freezer when an arm took me away by my waist.

"Bítch, I can stand you know. I don't need to be pulled up!" he screams in Nathan's face and slightly pushed him by his shoulders.

Nathan just scratched the back of his neck while listening to Joshua scolding him.

"The next time you will not hold me gently, I will sooo gonna cut off your díck. Now, get me that sweets in the freezer!" Nathan immediately obliged and open the fridge for the sweet and I pout.

Looking up at Damien, I saw his face soften and sneak a kiss on my lip before holding up a giant bar of chocolate.

I squeal and hugged him for a thank you. He grinned and cupped my face, forcing my lip to pucker. Then, he smiled evilly before kissing and lick it after.

I just pout at him, ignoring the licking and turn to look at my bar. He got it! Yayyyyy!

"Did you just fvcking french-kissed my cousin?!" Joshua screamed and about to charge at Damien but a wincing Nathan pulled him back.

"Relax. He didn't french-kiss him. He just kissed Andrei, hamster." Nathan said making Joshua huff in annoyance and glared at Damien before looking at me in a more soft smile.

"You're going to school, right? Come, I'll accompany you." he offered his hand and I quickly grabbed it making Damien pull me away while hugging me possessively.

"I will take him to his school. You two go wait in my office. I'll be back soon." Damien said sternly and walk away while holding me up on his hip.

I wiggle, hoping that he'll put me down but he just adjusted his hold on me and continue to walk to his expensive car.

I hid my face on his neck when his family watched us from the garden. I hear him chuckle and plant a kiss on my head before buckling me in the passenger seat.

I blushed hard when he kissed me again and bit my lower lip gently. I pushed him away though because I'm scared he would chew and swallow it.

"Uhm..." I trailed off after minutes of him driving the car.

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