Significant 42|The Triplets

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A/N: This will probably the last chapter before the epilogue. Thank you for all the support from the very beginning, mahal ko kayo❤️.

Louis Andrei's PoV

I want to pee.

Looking at my mate, I bit my lower lip before slowly moving out of the bed. Walking with my tippy toes and slightly crouching while holding my very plump stomach, I finally got out of our room.

We have our own bathroom in there but I prefer using the bathroom in our living room because I want to also cook anyway. I don't want to bother my Dammy to cook for me especially now that it's just 3am.

After flushing, I washed my hands and go to the kitchen to prepare the ingredients I need for my favorite adobo.

Reaching for the knife, I halted. I felt a strange presence behind me but furrowed my brows when I saw no one. I peek at the direction of our room and shrugged when I saw the closed door.

It's nothing.

I began to slice the potatoes very carefully. Taking note of how I accidentally sliced my finger last month making me shiver.

I halted again when my pups suddenly kicked me full force. That hurt!

After taking some deep breath, I continue to slice the ingredients. These past few days, my angels love to kick me together. I was panicking at first because I thought they want to come out already but the doctor said it will take 6 months.

I smiled when I remember how Dammy would watch me the entire time when he heard of it. He's been on guard with me all the time, especially after that... that accident.


Inhaling sharply, I gripped my finger as the blood flows out freely. I look away and scurried to the tap water and washed my injured finger.

"Baby..." I responded a yes from the voice while still washing my finger.

"Babe." the voice came closer and I can't stop myself from gulping because it sounds so firm.

"I—I'm sorry, I probably woke you up. Uhm, I just want to make us an early breakfast, that's all—" strong arms engulfed me from behind in a tight hug.

"Baby." I inhaled sharply when I smell a different scent.

It is not his scent.


"Guess again, my bride." my breath hitched and I stilled on my spot not knowing what to do.

He's gone. They said he's gone. He's not here.

"Long time no see." he chuckled and leaned on my shoulder, peeking at me.

My hands began to shake.

"Let me guess, it's been a full 4 months the last time we saw each other, right?"

I didn't answer and just forced shut my eyes. I don't want to see him. It's just a nightmare.

"And," I feel him turning me to face him but I still didn't open my eyes.

He gently caress my plump stomach making me squirm in panic and tried to hide them from him but he didn't let me.

"What a very nice view. You're pregnant with our children, yes? I see you're really taking good care of them." he caress my cheek and I jolt.

"T—They're not your children. They are mine! They're my and Dammy's children, not y—yours!" I screamed and he just chuckled. Closing our distance in an instant.

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