Significant 28| For my Precious

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Chapter 28: For my Precious

Andrei's PoV

"I still want to crush your skull, you scúmbag."

"Then crush it."

The intense glare grew bigger when Vrix stood up and attempted to punch Dammy, again, with his curled fist.

"Precious, I know this isn't the right time- What the fvck? Who did this to you?!" he suddenly launched at Dammy who's beside me and punched him right on the face making me squeal.

"Vrix, no!"

"He hurt you, didn't he?!"


"Vrix, don't hurt Dammy. Please." I bat my eyelashes and give him a big pout making him sigh in defeat.

"I'm just...I'm just worried, precious. I never even attempted on pinching or even hurting you, but this giant here just littered you with bruises. It's not even funny." I heard a growl making me look around for a dog but there's nothing.

"Pft, it's called hickies, not bruises." Nate commented and rolled his eyes making me quietly snort.

"Then what about his lip? That's a hickey?" Nate didn't answer but his sharp eye roll made Vrix scoff.

"Stop talking about the aftermaths of our love making last night." Dammy intrude and squeezed my waist making me squeal and instantly hid my face on his neck from embarrassment.

"What's your agenda here?" he questioned after kissing my cheek.

Vrix instantly got serious and looked at me straight in the eyes making me worry.

"I... I need to talk to my precious. Alone." Dammy hugged me tightly and there comes the growl again.

"Tss, I'm not taking him anywhere. I just need to talk to him, alone. Not with your sharp ears." he said and stood up.

"Let him go, you possessive dog. No one's gonna maul him." Joshua seconded and grabbed Dammy and Nate with their ears making them groan and protest in response.

Soon after they disappeared from our sight, Vrix launched himself on me, making me giggle and hugged back even tighter.

"I miss you, precious."

"I miss you, Vrix."

He didn't bothered to let me go and I missed him so much that I just let him cuddle to me.

I didn't know how this happened, but when I felt tears on my neck, I can't help but cry too.

"Oh God...I really really missed you. I missed your adorableness, I missed your squeals, your big appetite, your heartwarming smile. I miss my preciou-"

"3 minutes." someone interrupted and hook me away from Vrix.

"3 minutes are enough to hug my-" Dammy was cut off by Joshua.

"And 1 minute's enough to interrupt their reunion!" he, again, pull Dammy's ears making him scream profanities.

I just giggle, especially when I saw Dammy's pout while being pulled by my grumpy cousin.

"He loves you," Vrix suddenly commented while looking at Dammy's disappearing figure.

"And you love him." he finished making me blush hard.

"You're growing. I'm so proud of you." he cheerfully said but made me worried when his voice cracked in the end.

"Why are you sad?" I ask worriedly, holding his cold hand in mine.

"I'm not sad. These are just tears of joy." he joked and kissed my forehead making me close my eyes in content.

"You know, I love you, right?" he asked while looking at me making me smile brightly.

"Yes and I love you too, as a friend." he pressed his lip and nodded.

"Yeah, as a friend..." he mumbled and looked down.

I played with his large hand while he goes pet my hair.

"I don't want anybody to hurt you. I don't want them to take you. I don't want you gone." he suddenly said and squeezed my hand.

"Drei, I want to tell you something," I looked at him with worry in my eyes, he seems so tired, the bags under his eyes tells everything, and his usual glow were gone.

"I am... a werewolf, from the Blazed Bane Pack." he confessed and squeezed my hand again.

I stare at him in shock and excitement. If he's a werewolf, we could take a run around the forest!

"Y-You're a werewolf? That's awesome. We can play and chase each other's tails! And go to-" he caught my hands that were flying in the air in excitement.

"And I'm betraying my pack, for you." betray?

But, if he betray them, then they will call him a traitor!

"Why? No, don't do that. They will call you traitor and will say bad words that will definitely hurt you!"

"I know, and I don't care. If it's for your safety, I will do anything." he breathe and showed me his dashing smile.

"I'll spy on them and report everything here."

"B-But why?" I asked in my tiny voice, feeling guilty all of a sudden.

Why would he do this? Why would he risk his pack's trust on him?

"There are also bad werewolves in this world, precious. And they are planning on taking you because you are the mate of the strongest alpha in the world." I stare at him with wobbly lips and glazing eyes.

"And I am doing this for you because I love you." why am I feeling negative about this?

"Vrix, please promise me you will be safe." I asked and I grew even more negative when he didn't answer.


"I'll promise that I'm always safe here," he palm my chest, where my heart was pounding in distress.

"In your heart." my eyes began producing tears and I can't help but to sob, holding his hand desperately.

"Please promise that you're going to be fine." I pleaded while resting his shaking hands on my cheek.

"I will be fine." he said with his shaky voice and teary eyes.

"There must be a promise in that! Please promise it!" I lift my pinky and desperately hooked it with his limp pinky finger.

"T-There! That's a promise. You will be fine and safe from any harm! You hooked your pinky with mine so that's considered a promise! Right? It's a promise, Vrix!" I screamed while holding his pinky with mine.

He started to cry and hugged me tight making me shake my head.

"Y-You can't break it..." I whispered and hugged him tight.

I don't want to loose a friend. Not Vrix.

His Significant Other
by dead_paradoxcs
Plagiarism is a no-no word.

Thank you for reading!

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