Significant 5| Delusional

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Reminder: You might encounter foreign words in this chapter, means they are tagalog/korean words. Don't be confused for Louis Andrei's a half half (half filipino, half korean).

10:08am, University's main corridor,

"Are you sure baby, you're okay there?"

"Yes, ma! I—I just woke up late. My alarm clock didn't work. I don't know what happened. I don't want it to throw away, it's my favorite alarm clock..."

"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. If I have stayed a little more, I'll be able to wake you up in time, but I didn't. Huhu, I'm such an irresponsible mother!"

"Ihh, you aren't! You're so responsible mama, don't say that. I—I understand, you have an important business in Manila to deal with."

"Aw, baby. I promise, I'll be back as soon as possible. I'll also buy you a new alarm clock, similar to your damaged one. Okay?"


"Of course, baby! Just please, if you're hungry, I already refilled our refrigerator. Just eat whatever you want, okay? If you're having trouble cooking, just call your Tita Ellesha. I already told her to look after you."

"Yes, mama!"

"Wait, why aren't you rushing? Don't you have a class to attend?"

"Oh?! I—I forgot!"

Drei rushes off running on the hallway, no one noticing because all of the staffs and students are doing their jobs.

"Be careful, baby! You might topple!"

"Yes, mama! Gotta go, mahal kita!"

"Mahal din kita!"

He ended up the call and added more strength to his legs to rush more. He's one hour and seven minutes late, but he didn't liked the idea skipping classes just because you are late.

Just as he was about to turn at the right aisle, he jumped in shock and whimpered when his head suddenly hit the wall behind him.


"Smells good.."

His body stiffened when he felt someone's nose caressing his exposed neck. A sudden burst of fear spread in his entire system, making his adrenaline worked and tried to pushed this stranger away from him.

But the stranger didn't even budge at this. Thus, he even pressed his nose on that sweet throbbing spot where he can sip a sweet drink, eyes bright red like a blood.

"H—Hey! Back off!" Drei complained but he still continued sniffing and caressing his neck.


Not that long after, the stranger's fangs began to extend. Two pointy fangs now caressing Andrei's exposed neck, ready to take his meal until..

Someone knocked him off.

"Bullshít, stop your bloodlust you dumb or else!" a seemingly familiar but unfamiliar voice was heard by Andrei who quickly backed away from them.

The brown brows, prominent nose, barely seen cleff chin, lightest shade of blue eyes and the remarkable platinum hair of the newcomer made Louis Andrei head throb.

He reached for his head and slowly caressed it. Once the sudden vertigo lessen, he looked back up and seen the two arguing..

Or rather than beating each other.

This just made Andrei quickly interfere at them, trying to stop them from what they are doing even if he already knows there's a hundred percent that he could get implicated.

"G—Guys, stop! Stop hurting each other, i—it's bad!" he said while trying to push the one who tried to hurt him earlier.

The one with platinum hair gave his colleague a hard punch and quickly get Andrei away from the scene in just a second.

Drei stared at this familiar but unfamiliar guy with confusion as to how did he managed to get them in the comfort room, when it is meters away from the aisle they're in earlier, in just a matter of second?


"Who are you?" he can't stop himself from directly asking this question that have been bothering him.

This question surprised the guy.

How did...? What the héll.

He sighed and held both of Drei's shoulder, staring straight at those brown orbs.

"Stay here. Don't go out until I say so, okay?" Andrei, though still curious about this guy, absent—mindedly nodded.

"Good. I'll come back, don't leave."

In just a swift move, he's already gone inside the comfort room.

Andrei sighed and just shrugged. He goes at the sink and washed his hands the way his mama teached him.

While doing so, the sudden flashback of what just happened earlier invade his mind.

The sniffing and the two pointy thing that he felt on his neck made some goosebumps on his nape.

Wait... His eyes are red! Is it normal?

Hmm, maybe I'm just being delusional? Hmp, guess I need to eat more later. Hehehe.

He finished washing his hands and quickly dried them off until someone talked that made him jumped.

"So, you really don't remember me, huh?"

A guy leaning on the door frame asked, platinum hair has been messed up even more.

He took a few step in front until he's now towering over the little Drei.

"Guess, I need to introduce myself. Again."


He took a step back and bowed his head, like a respective cavalier would to his Lord, right arm placed on his abdomen while the other was behind his back.

"Goodmorning. The name's Leonel Rocco, your personal bodyguard."

His Significant Other
by dead_paradoxcs
Plagiarism is a no-no word.

Fafa Leonel Rocco's picture on the next update;)

Thank you for reading!

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