Significant 20| Ellah Jean Montalva Kim

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Damien/Silvano walking towards Andrei's heart. (Not you, don't assume *rolls eyes*.) And for better imagination, imagine him having that black silky long hair.

Chapter 20: Ellah Jean Montalva Kim

Damien's PoV

Repeatedly glancing from the papers on my hand to my mate, a heavy sigh escaped me. Standing up, I stride towards him in which he's using the carpeted floor as a play mat.

He's playing something on my phone that's been keeping him busy for how many hours. I crouched down behind him, took a peak on his shoulder and saw him playing candy crush.

His forehead creased, brows dipped hard, and his pouty lips were twitching, as well as his nose. Too focused on the game that I assume he didn't even noticed me.

I swallowed my chuckle when he squealed and punched his little fist in the air while whisper—screaming 'yay!'.

"Eherm." he jumped from the floor and looked at me with wide eyes and open mouth when I faked a cough behind him.

A chuckle escaped me that made him blush and made me want to squish and rain kisses all over his face.

"You hungry, yes?" I asked and his eyes instantly twinkle.

"Am hungry, hehe. Can I eat mint choco for lunch?" and for the Moon Goddess sake, why would he even throw at me that sinful puppy eyes.

I mentally shake my head and cleared my throat. I'm not going to fall for that. The last time he asked for ice cream in lunch, he suffered from constipation.

"No. You'll eat vegetables and rice, I'll feed you." I sternly said and he pouted, not liking what I've said.

Stretching out my arms, I grabbed him by his bum and placed him on my hip. I heard him huffed and grumpily focused his attention on my chain necklace, quickly forgetting the game on the phone.

I shake my head and goes to the kitchen where my pack was about to start eating their lunch.

They were happily talking with each other but turned silent when we, well basically I, entered the dining room.

The ones who were about to put their spoons on their mouth immediately drop it silently on their plates and lowered their heads when I took a seat in the head of the dining table.

Placing my mate on my lap, I look around the pack that's sitting around the dining table. My baby was busy playing with my hand that he didn't noticed the quietness of his surrounding.

I raise a brow when Ralph, my pack warrior, took a glance at me. He flinched and clear his throat before forcing a smile.

"W—Wow, Alpha. It's a shock you joined us in this lunch." although nervous, he bravely said it in a more friendly way.

My brow twitch at his statement.

"Is that sarcasm I heard." his face pales and eyes widen before swallowing hard.

"Oh no! No, I mean nothing, Alpha. I—It's just, uhm..."

"It's just surprising you decided to finally join us, that's all, Alpha." a truly sarcastic voice lingered in the air and I growl lowly at Nate.

He rolls his eyes and winced when he looked at Joshua who's sitting too far away from him.

Nate warily sat on the other side of the table, opposite of where his mate was sitting. I squint my eyes when I've noticed how many times he had swallowed, his usual annoying smirky face was frowning, and keeps looking at Joshua who seems like avoiding him.

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