Significant 8| In his Possession

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Zedric (above)

8:48 am, at master's bedroom,

A groan escaped from a boy lying on the soft and smooth mattress being caged in a hug.

"No..." he mumbles in his sleep that made the man caging him in a hug smile.

"You can't..." don't pluck those beautiful emerald green eyes, please...

He's obviously sleep talking that even made the owner of the bed amused.

The man beside Drei didn't do anything aside from hugging him closer to him and stare at those adorable twitching plumpy lips.

"Hmn..." those lips parted and there comes a light sound of snoring.


A few minutes later, Drei started to shift on his bed, seeking comfort in a very comfortable position. But, this man didn't let him.

He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly opened his one eye, then the other. The vision was blurry at first that he needed to rub his eyes.

He opened it once again and a tall beautiful ceiling came first to his vision. Next is the expensive looking chandelier placed on the bottom of the ceiling that even made it more gorgeous.

His forehead creased in confusion.

When did I have a chandelier in ny room? No... when did we have a chandelier in the house?

Blinking away the confusion, he decided to shift on his side and his hazel eyes met with green emerald orbs.

"Goodmorning, sunshine." says a complete stranger that made his eyes grew big.


In his panic, he quickly jumped off the bed making him stumble until he fall on the floor... in a very very awkward position.

On the fury carpet was his face, both arms on his side attempting to lift his weight up, and his bum hoisted up and back was bent.

He shouldn't seduce me like that...

The almost 7ft. tall man quickly get up and as easy as it looked, he hoisted up Andrei by his stomach and carry him like a good puppy.

"W-Where are you taking me, mister? Please let me go..." Andrei carefully muttered, thinking that he may anger this giant man if he thrashes off like he did yesterday.


Flashbacks of getting pointed by a gun and tied on a chair invades his mind that he didn't noticed his tears flowing down.

The giant man halted and carefully lift him up more until his eyes can see those tear-stained face. He felt a sudden anger the way those tears flowed down on his face and the knowledge that this sunshine of his cried.

"Sunshine, don't cry." he surprisingly said in a smooth and calm voice that anyone of his men will not believe he just said something using that soothing voice.

He slowly wiped away those tears and snot that came out from his nose. However, his wiping of his tears and snots were no use for he keeps on crying.

Until Drei's stomach growled. They both stopped and Drei could just possibly pass out now for how embarrassing that was.

The giant man smiled and caressed Drei's hair.

"Hm, how about we fill this little stomach right here, yes?" he asked and Drei just lowered his head in embarrassment while simply nodding a little.

His Significant Other (Completed) [Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now