Significant 15| Rogues

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Andrei crying :'(

Chapter 15: Rogues

Andrei's PoV

I just stand there, shocked on what's going on. Vrix was throwing punches on Damien's face but he just gracefully dodge it. His shoulder—length hair was swaying everytime he would dodge the punches.

I can't even go there because of many guys are circling me. They were too large and it makes me scared to even talk to them.

I took a glance around the cafeteria and noticed half of the students were gone. Though some were here, watching Damien and Vrix.

"P—Please don't hurt each other!" I shout as Vrix took another punch but fortunately dodged by Dammy.

Vrix looked at me with rage and hurt eyes. Why? Why is he angry? Did I do anything wrong?

"Hey there Luna. Relax. They're just playing dodging." Kiefer, the only guy that I can say that is less intimidating than the others that's surrounding me, said and chuckle after.

I pout and looked confusedly at the two who seem like talking in a low voice.

"T—They're playing?" I ask and saw him wince before laughing nervously while patting the shoulder of the guy in front of him.

"Of course, Luna. Hahahaha, they're playing, hahaha." he answered and the guy, Joni, just smiled at me and nod.

I released a relief sigh knowing that they're just playing. That explain why Vrix is in rage. He thinks he's going to lose, that's why.

"Go Dammy! Uhm, you too Vrix! I'll cheer for you because you're my best friend!" I cheered them both while throwing my hands up to make a cheer scream.

They both looked at me confused but then, changed into amused smiles that made me cower shyly while hiding behind the large man in front of me.

There were many awes and giggling though, but I pay no attention because I'm shy.

But I hope Dammy would win because I know Vrix always win all the time when he would play some games with some guy. Vrix must learn to lose, sometimes.

I was hiding when I spot a little thing laying on the tiled floor. I narrow my eyes and gasped loudly when I saw what it is.

"Pokémon!" I scream and crouched down to grab the tiny little thing.

It was so tiny and just the size of my pinky.

"Pika, pika, pikaaaa." I mocked pickachu with my tiny voice, not noticing the panic of the guys circling me until they saw what I'm doing.

I heard some of them awe though, and I don't know why they would do that.

I stand up just in time to saw Vrix stumbled back while coughing. I narrow my eyes to check his face but saw no wounds so I just shrug and grab a bottle from my bag and gently pushed the large guy in front of me to be able to reach Vrix.

"You're coughing. I told you not to go to school if you're sick!" I scold Vrix who was still coughing and immediately chug the water I hand him.

Large hand circle my waist and pulled me into a hard body. I look up and saw a frowning Damien.

"You sick too? Why are frowning?" I ask worriedly and held my hand up to feel his forehead and neck but don't see the difference in our temperature.

My eyes accidentally glanced at Leo's direction and saw them holding a laugh, probably thinking Dammy is cute frowning. I giggle too because Dammy can also be cute aside from being his scary and serious face.

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